I think that there is a fundamental misunderstanding about Wing Chun which is reflected by the opening introduction on Wing Chun...
"Wing Chun A very popular Kung Fu style based on centerline attacks and deflecting techniques. Wing Chun is one of the most practiced forms of Kung Fu popularized by Bruce Lee. Most important is the concept of not using force against force, which allows a weak fighter to overcome stronger opponents."
Not using force against force is a misnomer, it is simply not an accurate reflection of Wing Chun, there is a force in Wing Chun that is utilized in Wing Chun, it is however, not "brute" force but a different force which has been called forward force, mind force and other notable descriptions. The fact of the matter is that it is a force that is able to be generated utilizing complete and flawless body coordination coupled with the idea of leverage, it is built purely on the skeletal structure rather than the muscular system, this concept extends further than the usual term "finding your centre" and is more refined than any type of brute force. My Sifu, who is in his mid 60's and is physically weaker than the majority of his students (myself included) can still throw us like rag dolls, and can wear us out without breaking a sweat, because he has developed this "force" to such a degree that he no longer relies on any muscular effort.
Can brute force overcome a person, yes, it can, but can brute force overcome this other more ri9fnd form of force? I have yet to see anyone, of any shape or size overcome SifuÂ’s hands without the need for Sifu to deflect that force.Many people think when i post this type of thing that i am simply besotted with my Sifu, but this is about fact, I myself are not at the stage where I can overcome SifuÂ’s force, I have more "hard training" to do and many years before I am at an acceptable level, however I have utilized this energy, as immature and incomplete as it is, against several sparring partners, and it has proven to be most effective. The other thing about this type of energy is that it can continue to be developed well into older age, which truly makes Wing Chun the art I will stick to until I draw my last breath.
In this particular example, the older smaller person can overcome the larger stronger person, only if they have developed this particular energy (which I am sure Yip Chun has) with the need to utilize any type of redirection, redirection simply does not play sizeable role in Wing Chun that a lot of people assume it does, infact redirection is a last play on the deck if the practicioner feels that they have not the skill enough to overcome the opponants brute force utilising their own force (or what I have refered to previously as the Sui Lum Tao energy).