Sick Bastards !

Originally posted by SRyuFighter
Well it all depends upon one's standards my friend. This is a diverse country with all types.

Haha if you wanna U.S.A. vs. U.K it up then grab a book and look up the year 1776. Hehe ;)

Too much History.......Brain overload. Anyway, back to topic :asian:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Too much History.......Brain overload. Anyway, back to topic :asian:

Look up the Year 1812 also :D
I know this might be a little late for the discussion, yet here I go.

Where do you draw the line for marketing?

Ok, I sell Ink to be used on T-Shirts, or if I sell the cotton to the shirt makers, or what if I wrote the computer program they used for he designing. I guess they all need to stop and find out where it all goes before they can sell their product. So, we could not sell if some might use it improperly. Yet, if we look at certain things, then Highly toxic and or harmful substances should be monitored, and or controlled, yet the basic products???

What about the people that stand in intersections for a good cause, yet look at you funny when you do not give after driving through the third intersect, and the only thign you have left is a $20 in your pocket or car now?

Everyone is intitled to opinions and the thread author has replied, and this is not a shot at him or anyone else, yet, if we stopped and thought about it all nothing would happen.

And for a Final Parting shot, to almost everyone, Go Home all you Europeans and Asians, and Africans, and please leave my country to me and my Native American Brother and Sisters.
(* Do, I believe this possible, NOPE! *)

My original post had more to do with whether or not a particular ad for a tee-shirt was in good taste or not? It was not, nore never meant to become an attack on America or any other country for that matter.

England only lost the colony in 1776 because Mel Gibson had first rites to the script.
[Yes.... I saw the movie].

America, like every other empire that has ever existed, is having its day. But a time will come and the world will turn and it will be someone elses turn to rule the roost. England did it for a while, Spain and Portugal had a little thing going too. Even Germany and the Dutch and Belgians [?] did their thing for a while in Africa and the Far East. If you go back far enough why even the Romans had the franchize on most of Europe.

Freedom is not an American concept, neither is the desire to live life to the full and see ones children grow up in peace. Such things are shared by people the world over. Politics and Power are the things that cause the problems, and it is the country with the biggest stick that has always called the shots.
Right now that's America, but who it will be 100 or 200 years from now? Well!!!!!

I thank you for letting me rant also.

Originally posted by Mike Clarke
It was not, nore never meant to become an attack on America or any other country for that matter.

Really? I never would have guessed:

Originally posted by Mike Clarke
Get a grip America. Either act like grown ups and show some respect to those who died, or shut the f**k up about being picked on by those nasty men in the middle east who just don't happen to like your way of life.

The shallowness that flows from your shores sometimes is utterly amazing. Kick this kind of enterprise and it's advertising money in the gutter where they belongs. And show some respect for the families of those who lost loved ones fighting for world peace.

"You can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding."

What I find amusing is this guy would make such generalizations about a whole country because of the actions of a few. He seems like one of those that criticizes America no matter what. That doesn't seem very enlightened to me. If you are angry about the action, be angry about the action. Thats the same as condemning all Arabs because of a few terroists. lighten up...enjoy life.
Originally posted by SRyuFighter
I have no point with Blair and his asslicking ways.

What standards have we dropped?

I didn't mean to turn it into a America vs. Britain battle. Heck Britain is all that backs us now.

Have you forgotten us already?
Not only did our PM back you guys, but the support from the public was there as well, which was sorely lacking in the UK.

Howsabout a UK vs Aust. kind of thing? Woohoo!:rofl:


Originally posted by D.Cobb
Have you forgotten us already?
Not only did our PM back you guys, but the support from the public was there as well, which was sorely lacking in the UK.

Howsabout a UK vs Aust. kind of thing? Woohoo!:rofl:



Good point! I apologize.
Originally posted by D.Cobb
Have you forgotten us already?
Not only did our PM back you guys, but the support from the public was there as well, which was sorely lacking in the UK

Hear HEAR! I've always thought that the folks from down under shared a lot more with us than most countries. Probably the combination of frontier spirit and ***-kicking independance.:cool:

Trying to avoid life's potholes,
Randy Strausbaugh
and they like to drink beer...!

Originally posted by chufeng
and they like to drink beer...!

Man, how could I have forgotten that? If they opened up a few White Castle places, we would probably invite them in as the 51st state! :D

Trying to avoid life's potholes,
Randy Strausbaugh
Originally posted by Master of Blades

And even though America is the land of the free, home of the great blah blah does that mean that the standards of right and wrong automatically go down the drain?

It's " of the free, home of the brave..."

Originally posted by Cthulhu
It's " of the free, home of the brave..."


Its one of the reasons why the Statue of Liberty immegrated here from France. :D Freedom, Bravery and SOAP! :D
Originally posted by D.Cobb
Have you forgotten us already?
Not only did our PM back you guys, but the support from the public was there as well, which was sorely lacking in the UK.

Howsabout a UK vs Aust. kind of thing? Woohoo!:rofl:



Bah! Why, not, havnt had a good fight for ages! :D
Y'all did pretty good in the latest Gulf War...congratulations and thanks for the help.


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