


What was your most memorable seminar (excluding Hatsumi Sensei)?
Just in May, with David Falcaro Sensei of the Godaishin Dojo. It was a really great seminar. Hot as hell in a small dojo but we had a super time. We studied skeletal locks and the such. It was nice to see the 2 schools together that gelled so well.

The summit in Denver that was held for the indies a few years back was really cool. We have had 4 since, all have been really interesting.

I did some Isshin Ryu and kickboxing at Shihan Albert Madys in Windsor that was an eye opener. Lots of fun and the physical warmup just kicked the crap out of you LOL
Jack Hoban seminar in Columbis MD, last February. Worked on using and creating space, kunai and subtle movements. I also blew out my knee during the seminar, so I won't forget that one for a looooonnng time.
in 1989 i went to ramsgate(england) for a weekend seminar put on by a godan who was head of the local c.i.d(police).
i have very fond memorys of the courses we used to do there as he had his own dojo that we used to sleep over in..with our own sleeping bags.
i was 17 and could not afford my own,so i borrowed from my brothers collection of second world war army supplies,a massive u.s army sleeping bag.
in the morning some bright spark thought it would be funny to drag me across the dojo while still in the bag.
the bag split, spilling the bucket loads of fine duck fathers that the old bag was like a bomb had gone of in a farm yard!

the training was fun to used to do alot of outdoor stuff including jumping of a local public toilet roof!
i ended up training with a giant dutch guy who insisted on makeing sure i felt every technique and throwing me round like a rag doll.
he just about finnished me off when we did some chokes though, hehe happy days. on a sad note though, the teachers name was alan he died of cancer 2 years was a great loss

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