Seeking nice broadsword

  • Thread starter Thread starter JackSmith
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Hello all,
I am looking for a nice spring steel broadsword. I have seen a few by tiger claw, and a real nice one from paul chen.

Not knowing too much about them, I am seeking some opinions. I am going to be working some broadsword forms in the near future. (kenpo stylist, but we do all sorts of weapons.)

Thank you for your time.
Hey Jack,

Are you referring to the "chinese broadsword?"

Try looking at, it is a "real" sword that may not be usable in most tournaments (look for the darn dao under the Chinese weapons section.) I haven't used it, but I like Kris Cutlery's other products, I guess I just like the feel of a real sword as opposed to the wangy spring steel seen in most tournaments now.

good luck,

Yes, unfortunately, it is the spring steel sword. Not the wushu one though. I need it to learn some tournament and demonstration forms.

Thanks for your time.

Have you looked at Tiger Claw? They have Chinese weapons in combat, spring and Wushu steel, all for pretty reasonable prices. Give 'em a look and see what you think!!

Sorry, I just re-read the part about your having looked at the ones by TigerClaw. Never mind...;)

My wife has one from them, and it works pretty well. She has a spring steel that is just right for her height.

Overall, I'd give TigerClaw's stuff a thumbs up. They seem to have pretty good weapons for the money.

I don't practice any blade arts (so don't use a blade) so pleaase forgive my ignorance but what is "wushu steel"?

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