Second Intro -- Coming Out

Xue Sheng said:
I’m heterosexual…. big deal… sexual orientation is not a martial arts topic and it matters not to me... just don't go bashin' CMA :)

Welcome to MT

Thanks everyone for the very understanding posts. They mean a lot to me.

Kensai... No gay guy would expect you to ask him if he's gay. He might like you to, but he wouldn't expect that. The reason being gay becomes an issue (and all of us would like it to be a non-issue) is because when you train with people, you start developing relationships with them. Inevitably, you start talking about family, vacation trips, etc. Not being able to talk about your personal life becomes a huge impediment to that relationship and trust building exercise. It's hard to tell whether your training partner will accept you if he knew you're gay... and it's hard to trust him until you know the answer. Make sense? (Thanks for bringing this issue up... I truly appreciate the positive sentiment you were conveying. <respectful bow>)

Again, thanks everyone for letting me clear the air. Now... it's time to get back to reading and posting about MA.

<fighting stance>

hapki68 said:
Again, thanks everyone for letting me clear the air. Now... it's time to get back to reading and posting about MA.

<fighting stance>


Dude, just be decent and remember the words of The Johns (of TMBG fame):

There's only one thing that I know how to do well
And I've often been told that you only can do
What you know how to do well
And that's be you,
Be what you're like,
Be like yourself,
And so I'm having a wonderful time...

Welcome to MartialTalk! :wavey:

There are others who are gay/lesbian who did sign up on MartialTalk and briefly discussed this openly. I'm not sure where they are now (they left for various reasons), since they did provide very good insights on many different issues. There may be more who haven't divulged their orientation.

I would hope that you will be able to stay longer. We need more diversity with viewpoints.

- Ceicei
matt.m said:
You know I don't have one ounce of care in the world for someones sexual orientation. Honestly, I only care if they do the following: Go to class, try their best, and if they are nice people. I have worked with a lot of people on the civilian side that were gay. Men and women, no boundary. I even knew of a couple of gay people in the military while I was in the Marines. I didn't make a big deal of it, I didn't care. You sir are a dedicated hapkido practitioner, then you are in my club. It is all good pal.

The thing is: People should be judged based on their personality and merit as a human being. Period, end of story.
What he said......welcome!
Hapki -

I think that the issues you raise are valid, and are an extension of the issues raised in this thread about dating, and how much of people's personal lives should occur within the dojang.

As I said in the other thread, I have friends and coworkers (some are friends who are coworkers) who are gay, as well as other TKD practitioners; the one I am aware of who currently works out is female, as I am - it's never bothered me in the slightest, and I think she was (quite happily) surprised that nothing changed in anyone's attitudes toward her when she came out by bringing her partner to a social function another person in the class held for his college graduation. It just doesn't matter to me.

As far as those who feel homosexuality is a choice... well... I can't imagine why anyone would choose the negativity that many people heap on anyone who belongs to a minority group they disaprove of - I've gotten a very small taste of it from people who are convinced that I am damned because I am Jewish, although I realize that what I get is nothing compared to what is aimed at you.

Keep on posting, and bring up the issues that being gay cause in the dojang - perhaps your experiences will help someone else have a better experience than they otherwise might.

Shalom. :asian:
hapki68 said:
Thanks everyone for the very understanding posts. They mean a lot to me.

Kensai... No gay guy would expect you to ask him if he's gay. He might like you to, but he wouldn't expect that. The reason being gay becomes an issue (and all of us would like it to be a non-issue) is because when you train with people, you start developing relationships with them. Inevitably, you start talking about family, vacation trips, etc. Not being able to talk about your personal life becomes a huge impediment to that relationship and trust building exercise. It's hard to tell whether your training partner will accept you if he knew you're gay... and it's hard to trust him until you know the answer. Make sense? (Thanks for bringing this issue up... I truly appreciate the positive sentiment you were conveying. <respectful bow>)

Again, thanks everyone for letting me clear the air. Now... it's time to get back to reading and posting about MA.

<fighting stance>


It must be difficult in knowing who you can trust to react in a respectful/open-minded manner, and your post made perfect sense mate. I return the bow :asian: Now... Where's that martial arts forum gone?? :ultracool

P.S, anyone else got that Friday feeling?
So you're gay..If you train intellegently and dilligently I (and I'm sure many others) could care less about your sexual orientation...
So what if you're gay. That has nothing to do with your personality, how you train, etc. From what I've seen you post (now this is an opinion of you before you told us, and still remains the same)- you're a great help to those with questions.

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