Schwarzenegger Hit by Egg at Speech!


Master of Arts
Aug 27, 2002
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Los Angeles suburbs, Cali. USA
Originally posted by Michelle
It's is funny and strange, but those of you not from California have more of a luxury to laugh about it all. I live here, and it's not funny what has happened to this state since Davis has been in office. It really can't get much worse. And if Arnold can at least surround himself with the "right people" to make improvements and get the job done, than that could be a blessing. I don't think Gary Coleman has those connections though.....:eek:

I agree with some of the others on this board, you cannot pin all of this state's problems on Gov. Davis. He can't be scapegoated for everything that's gone wrong in Cal. For example, the state's recent energy problems were due in part to the predecessor Gov. Pete Wilson's policies on deregulation. What's next, we recall Prez. George Dubya for the current weak economy and unemployment rate?

Although Davis has committed some missteps for sure, IMHO, this recall is both a waste of time and valuable taxpayer money. It should never have gotten this far.


Master of Arts
Aug 27, 2002
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Los Angeles suburbs, Cali. USA
Originally posted by PAUL
I think that he is expecting his celeberty status to get him elected, and that a debate about the issues would actually hurt him. He'd have to actually define policy, and an action plan, which he doesn't have.

The sad thing is his Celeb status might actually get him elected. The only thing that'll save his @$$ in office is if he is smart enough to hire the best people to help him do his job.


I think you hit it squarely on the head with your post. If AHHH-nold gets pinned down on having to explain how he's going to do things differently in the debates, will he have an informed, reasonable response or will he just spew out some additional rhetoric? IMO, this is perhaps why Arnold's advisors are limiting him to only one debate. It decreases the need for possible damage control.

And about choosing his advisors, he better make sure the whole Schwarzenegger team is on the same page so they don't contradict each other as has already happened... :eek:

Rich Parsons

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Originally posted by Nightingale
Very true. Davis inherited the majority of his administration's problems (cough *energy crisis* cough) from Pete Wilson. However, he didn't choose the best methods for handling the crises once they dropped in his lap.

This is true of many a person in politics. Many times it takes at elast a complete term before their own policies are seen or felt by the economy or by the public.

Originally posted by Nightingale
however, I think the recall is a waste of time and money, and would rather just let him finish out his term and then vote someone else in who got on the ballot in the traditional manner. this ballot with hundreds of candidates is just plain stupid.

A comedic comment:

Robert A Heinlein had numerous stories and story lines, yet one of the things consistent was that California in the Future had a completely out of hand election system.

i.e. it was determined that people with a Bachelor's degree made significantly more than those with only high school degree. Thereby the general population determined and voted in a law that everyone who graduated from high school also be given a Bachelor's degree in life science. Thereby they all qualified for any job that said minimum of a bachelor's degree.

So, if you think it you can vote it and thereby fix your problem.

Right? Right?
:rofl: :eek:


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
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Terre Haute, IN
That's not so far off for California. I lived there for eight years (sentenced to separate two four-year terms) and they do indeed have some laws that are perhaps too progressive. Yet, I wait for some of them to arrive here in Indiana.

Their proposition system for getting new laws is both a blessing and a curse. For what it did to their taxation system, they're now in the curse years. There's much more to it than that, but it's certainly a significant part of it.

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