School vs. Club


Master Black Belt
Apr 5, 2008
Reaction score
St. Louis, MO
I've been training in a club format for some time now. However, I see drawbacks to training MMA in a club. I'm interested in seeing what you all think in terms of drawbacks to an MMA club, versus a more traditional school.
I'm somewhat confused about your question. Are you referring to training MMA in a traditional format instead of it being taught in current MMA gyms across the country?
The advantages of working out in a club is that you can work on your own in addition to training in a group. It is less formal and the workouts are not geared towards the learning side of things.

The school has the advantage of being more for teaching of techniques and less for the workout side of things. They also tend to have more structure and a very wide variety of people in the classes(clubs tend to be more 16-36 YO males).

This is just my take on things. If I was not so tired, I would write a better post.