Scheduled Chat - Dennis Conatser - 4-29-2003 8pm EST

Originally posted by KenpoTess
I can't win *G*

Now Mr. C. .. Please lock your doors during your chat time..otherwise your exterminator might venture in and well.. ;)

Nice pic with a devilish grin. Please don't send the "Hitman" after me! :anic:
ah, lovely, I must have missed that. I'm only reading MT as a break from writing this damn thesis, I don't have time to read every single thread I'm afraid!


Originally posted by satans.barber
That's 4am, I'll be asleep!

Sorry to hear that.:( I missed yesterdays chat 'cause I was so beat that I went to bed at 9:01pm. I believe that at 9:01:05pm I didn't hear or see or feel anything after that.;)
We'll have more chats, assuming the guests are willing. Your suggestions are expressly solicited! When is a good time?

-MT Admin-
I believe 6 pm eastern US time is like 11pm western Europe time.
That would be a nice time to get most of us at the same time
I already marked it on my calendar and highlighted it to make sure I'd remember.:cool:
Originally posted by KenpoTess
Hey.. How about a Sunday Chat.. but not next Sunday cuz that's when we are 'mirrorizing the studio' *G*

Maybe you can use your sweet Tess prowess and get him to open an aol or yahoo chat room where only invited guests are allowed.:asian:
We can do stuff like that here? Who need Yahoo? :D
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Maybe you can use your sweet Tess prowess and get him to open an aol or yahoo chat room where only invited guests are allowed.:asian:

You ask, we can set it up.

I can say things lke this because I will not work on it, others will :D I am just practicing my Management skills :)
Originally posted by KenpoTess
Wondering if Seig would notice I'm not sitting on the panel for finals at the college tonight..

Just do a big "life sized" pic or your avatar. It may fool him.

Plus with that smile the student will be mor confident as you look like you like what their doing.

The Schedualed chat with DC will be held in the chatroom.

Please access the "Events" room there.

Thank you!
