San Francisco Seminars


Patrick McKee

Events have been flying around here faster than one of Soke's uke's :) so I thought I would send out one post to let everyone know what is planned for the Center so far.

Everything that has been set in stone may be seen at Thanx again 'Becca for the excellent website work. My thanks, as well, to all of the instructors who have been so patient with me in getting all of this organized.

So far we have...

Mike Simien, Saturday, March 30, from 1000 'till 1530

Shawn Gray, Saturday, April 13, from 1600 on

Dale Seago, Saturday, May 4th, from 1000 'till 1600

Ed Martin, Thursday, June 13, from 1900 on

Steffen Frolich, Tuesday June 18, from 1900 on

More details are available at

Space is always a concern so please RSVP me or the instructors so that we can reserve a place for you.

Everyone is welcome to attend. I hope to see you there!