Royce Gracie training for Hughes (video)

I am pumped for the fight, already purchased it. I know Matt has his work cut out for him, but I would like to see him win
i am ready for it too. I want Royce to make an example out of Matt.
Although this match is a dream come true, I would really love to see Rickson come out and put his 400+ perfect record on the line. He was always the best of Helio children.

The other thing I look forward to in this match, if Royce does lose, there has been a long standing tradition of a younger Gracie ready to take back the family honor.

Going to be a great fight.
desousae said:
The other thing I look forward to in this match, if Royce does lose, there has been a long standing tradition of a younger Gracie ready to take back the family honor.

I think Rickson would be the only one that MIGHT have the name ppower to get a fight with a UFC Champion without having to fight any contenders. And even that is questionable, he's never fought UFC before. Royce, while generally considered not as good as Rickson is a much bigger name in North America too all but a handful of fans.
I agree, today Royce does have the name, but I think Dan White could find a way to rev the public up about a Rickson fight, especially with the record that he has. True fans know who he is, and all the new fans joining will quickly learn. I think the true think holding Rickson back was the death of his son Rockson. Rockson was being groomed to take his father's crown, but tragedy struck!

All Gracie aside, now that this fight is going to take place, what I would really love to see in the works, would be a True best of the best. Have a UFC champs Vs. Pride Champs. Though the two would never be able to work out the split, it would make for a really entertaining event.
I have never seen any of ricksons matches. Does he still compete?
And that is not just Rickson, most of the Gracie family fights have been hard to verify, because people coming in looking to win the Gracie challenge, had to fight behind closed doors. Although I did see somewhere, maybe on ebay, a tape of closed door fights.

If you have never seen Rickson fight, I strongly suggest that you BUY or rent "Choke".

I will still never get over Helio Gracie matting with Rickson at 80+ years old.
I watched the UFC highlight thingy tonight on Royce. Very impressive. I got a good laugh at Shamrock tapping in 1 minute. :)
Would Rickson be able to fight Hughes? I mean, Hughes fights at 170 and Royce is fighting him at a weight of 175 right? Rickson is 185 in all his PRIDE fights if I remember right - maybe he should fight someone in his own weight class instead of someone that much smaller.
A few points:

I am glad he seems to be taking this fight seriously.

I am also thinking that he now respects the strikers in the game as he seems to be wroking that end of the game a whole lot more.

This might actually be a real good fight. :)
Rickson is quite a bit bigger than hughes. plus, he is 46 years old.
instead, Hughes vs. Rodrigo. a younger gracie.

Its rumored that Rener Gracie (son of Rorion) wants to fight in the Light heavyweight class. he is 6'4" 200 lbs. and pretty good at everything. wrestling, boxing, ...he has excellent leg locks
What I liked when i viewed royce training he has put a lot of time in trying to improve his stand up. He must now know it is part of the game. as befor he had very little stand up at all. So this makes the fight much more interesting As looks like his stand up Is decent now days. He deserves alot of credit seeing he moved on past bjj to improve more

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