Role Playing Ninja:


Dennis Font

GOOD DAY ALL WILL LIKE TO KNOW is there any Role Playing in NINJUTSU and if so how can I start a SECRET SOCIETY.
Dennis Font said:
GOOD DAY ALL WILL LIKE TO KNOW is there any Role Playing in NINJUTSU and if so how can I start a SECRET SOCIETY.
since you are new i will let you know before the major flames come.
this is for serious ninjutsu practicioners. if you want role playing you need to go somewhere that has adult games on it. if you have real questions regarding ninjutsu then feel free to ask. if you want a secret society call ashida kim.
I have a secret society....oh wait.....crap, nevermind.
MisterMike said:
I have a secret society....oh wait.....crap, nevermind.
Mine was secret until someone found us out.
MisterMike said:
Yea, I heard about yours after the Open House. :p
Oooh it was you then. So I best let loose my hoarde of ninj3r monkeys that shoot bees from their mouth on kites supplied by imaginary ninj3rs that fly.
Shogun said:
are those like the hounds with the bees in their mouths, and when they bark they shoot bees?

ok, everybody. Enough. I pull out my +5 ninja-to of darkness and slay the evil bee spitting monkey. Roll 2d6 to see if anyone gives a damn.



Damn I amuse me.

Shogun said:
are those like the hounds with the bees in their mouths, and when they bark they shoot bees?
Nooo. that is a line out of the Simpsons, mine are real.
I thought this was all roleplaying...whoopsies! :)
I'm new to this section of the Martial Talk forums but it appears to be good for some laughs every now and then.....almost better than the Comedy Cafe!
Check out for some Roleplaying fun! :p