mook jong man
Senior Master
While out walking my dogs I came across a beautiful Rainbow Lorikeet on the road that must have been hit by a car , the poor little bugger was in a very bad way but still alive.
I'd often seen large flocks of them flying around near our place as well as Cockatoo's and Galah's , I was able to grab him up off the road and carry him in my hands the rest of the way to my place , in his panic he clawed the crap out of my hands and bit a few fingers.
Anyway to cut a long story short he stayed at our place overnight and I got him to the vet the next day where they said he just had concussion and would be up and flying the wild blue yonder in no time.
But I just have to say to the arsehole that hit him in their car and didn't stop , you can go and get ****ed, and the people that just walked past and left him flapping around on the road where he was almost going to get run over a second time , **** you too.
I didn't take any pictures of him/her , but this is what they look like , a very beautiful bird.
One day he might be flying around with his mates and he'll say "See that little ugly bald bloke down there , that's the one that saved me".
I'd often seen large flocks of them flying around near our place as well as Cockatoo's and Galah's , I was able to grab him up off the road and carry him in my hands the rest of the way to my place , in his panic he clawed the crap out of my hands and bit a few fingers.
Anyway to cut a long story short he stayed at our place overnight and I got him to the vet the next day where they said he just had concussion and would be up and flying the wild blue yonder in no time.
But I just have to say to the arsehole that hit him in their car and didn't stop , you can go and get ****ed, and the people that just walked past and left him flapping around on the road where he was almost going to get run over a second time , **** you too.
I didn't take any pictures of him/her , but this is what they look like , a very beautiful bird.
One day he might be flying around with his mates and he'll say "See that little ugly bald bloke down there , that's the one that saved me".