Religious Marine Jailed For Refusing To Carry Gun

Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Religious Marine Jailed For Refusing To Carry Gun

Author: AP Source: Boston Globe (MA)


A man who re-enlisted with the Marines after becoming a Seventh-Day Adventist has been jailed for refusing to pick up a gun.

Cpl. Joel D. Klimkewicz, 24, of Birch Run, Mich., was sentenced last month in a court-martial to seven months in Camp Lejeune's brig. He also received a reduction in rank to private and a bad conduct discharge.

Klimkewicz was charged with refusing to obey an April 2003 order to draw a weapon from his unit's armory for training in preparation for an Iraq deployment.

In refusing the order, Klimkewicz told his superiors he was a conscientious objector and cited his new status as a member of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.

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Ok, I have to comment....
He was in the marines...he found religion...he reenlisted..and then said 'I object".

Did he not pay attention the first time through?
It is his own stupid fault for re-enlisting after finding religion. He deserves whatever he gets.
Something that the recruiter should've caught and asked him...
What is the first thing they teach you in the military? .... Right, how to kill.
Still I agree, he should've known better that joining up again means he's going to pick up a weapon and probably use it against someone someday. That's his first job and last job in any branch of the service. The stuff he does in the mean time is just to keep him busy.
"They'll never learn!" ~ Scotty his famous tag line.


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I don't know... sounds like a setup to me..

Find religion, re-enlist... refuse to carry..make the news...write a book...make lot's of money...sue somebody....make more money....

The whole time he makes the Marine's look like the bad guy..

I'm in agreement with the previous posts. The guy shouldn't have re-enlisted if he didn't want to be a military man.
Okay, I'm completely ignorant on this stuff, and I know there's people on here that know more than me (Tgace, Ryno, anybody?). I'm thinking of this, and of our earlier discussions re: stop-loss.

If I recall correctly, once dude X leaves the US army active duty, he can be called back anytime in the next 4 (or was it 8?) years. So what happens if dude X has a spiritual awakening and joins a religion such as this? Does he get out of second service? It's one thing if the dude is stupid enough to re-join of his own accord, but what if 'his number comes up' and he is recalled, but no longer would voluntarily partcipate?
Well, its not really "second service", its still part of the original obligation. Which is more important, living up to an oath and contract you signed (I will be available for recall for up to 2-4 years) or your new "awakening"? I was taught to always live up to my obligations. What would really happen I dont know.
Ray said:
I'm in agreement with the previous posts. The guy shouldn't have re-enlisted if he didn't want to be a military man.

According to the order of events, he became a seventh day adventist before re-enlisting. I don't know what his MOS is, but I know that there are is a "Chaplain's Assistant" job that he might have tried to get into to be conducive to his religious zeal.

Also, once you have made it through the Marines, you don't have to go through any of the other military branch's boot camp, so he could have joined the Navy, Air Force or Army and gone into the Medical field -still have to carry a gun, but the job isn't about killing as much as it is about saving lives - more closely related to his religious zeal again.

This sounds like a very bad series of decisions....'idiot' comes to mind.
raedyn said:
Okay, I'm completely ignorant on this stuff, and I know there's people on here that know more than me (Tgace, Ryno, anybody?). I'm thinking of this, and of our earlier discussions re: stop-loss.

If I recall correctly, once dude X leaves the US army active duty, he can be called back anytime in the next 4 (or was it 8?) years. So what happens if dude X has a spiritual awakening and joins a religion such as this? Does he get out of second service? It's one thing if the dude is stupid enough to re-join of his own accord, but what if 'his number comes up' and he is recalled, but no longer would voluntarily partcipate?
The difference is that this guy voluntarily reenlisted (which means he signed a new contract). THe only thing that I can think of that might make a severe difference is if you joined a monostary or something.

In either case, if it is this much of a big deal, declare consciencious objector and contact the JAG office right away so that you are using the proper legal channels first and foremost, contact the Chaplain's office for guidance....but don't just refuse to follow direct orders.
Sounds like it was pretty deliberate to me. I think he wanted to make a statement, rather than being a dumb***.
I'd agree with FM. I'd say it's pretty silly to sign yrself up for Armed Forces service, and expect you wouldn't have to touch a gun (one of many reasons I'll never sign up. It's called the ARMED forces for a reason!), particularly after you've been in before and knew the lay of the land.

This situation did make me think of other circumstances that could potentially happen (as outlined above).
In the Air Force, Navy and even the Army you can find a designation and or job that does not require you to carry a weapon. In the Marines veryone has at least two designations, one being a grunt carrying a gun.

He should have known this, or understood this, above and beyond the obvious it is the armed forces. There is on average about 9 people in support and technological positions for every person on the front line. Yet, like I said in the Marines even the cook/doctor/nurse/etc. is required to be capable and able to carry a rifle.

So, I wonder if he was just really ignorant or just oblivious, or really making a statement, and deserves action taken as per the military JAG.

Just my thoughts on the subject.
Rich Parsons said:
or really making a statement, and deserves action taken as per the military JAG.

Just my thoughts on the subject.
My first thought when reading about this was that he wanted to make a noticeable protest against the war. While I do not condone his method of protest, an oath is an oath, I feel that his motives were well founded. (I don't want this to turn into a discussion of the justification of this war save that for another thread and day). He felt strongly enough about something and is willing to face the consequences then kudos to him.

Just my opinion.
