Eight Reasons Gas Will Hit $5 This Year
By Paul Ausick and Douglas A. McIntyre | 24/7 Wall St – Tue, Feb 28, 2012 11:58 AM EST
The price of gas is a widely covered news item these days. Oil prices have moved up from $75 a barrel in October of last year to more than $100 a barrel currently. And the trend continues to point toward even higher oil prices. Of course, along with the price of oil, gas prices have also risen, almost in lockstep.
The price of gasoline today is 10% higher than it was just two months ago. The average price for a gallon of regular is almost $3.62. Gas prices in January have been the highest ever recorded price for that month. Many economists and energy analysts believe a rise to $4 a gallon is inevitable. But their estimates could be grossly understated. Gas will reach $5 a gallon before the end of the year.
Somehow that phrase "Got 'em over a barrel" really really does apply when we think about how the oil companies have their pipelines hooked directly into our wallets, siphoning hundreds and thousands of dollars from each of us every month via personal and business use.
Right now I make minimum wage ($7.35 hour) and if I'm lucky, I'll get about 35 hours a week. At present it costs roughly $58.00 to fill up my tank. I use 1/4 of a tank of gas getting to/from work each time. ... I'm sorry but honestly I don't see how I'm going to be able to do it if the prices keep going like they have been. I don't go anywhere else unnecessarily, bring sack lunches from home... but still... Same goes with my co-workers who have families and mouths to feed and mortages to pay and so on.
Tighten the belt til we all pass out.
We become so damned dependent upon oil for damned near everything and that the technology of non-petroleum based vehicles is probably just a fricken myth since it's been suppressed or "held back" for the in case when the oil runs out. How much is it going to cost to develop it in the future? How MUCH of that technology is going to need oil to be created?
SIGH! Might as well go back to horse-n-buggy.
Thank you Mr. President for the great change ye so promised all those years ago.