Re-Modding in progress

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
I am slowly re-adding in the modifications to the forum. Some I will not be able to add as they are not compatable with this version of the software.

I've added in a different 'welcome panel', and re-integrated in the Top Poster/Top Thread Starter and Todays Stats.

If you encounter any errors -besides- formatting, please post them here. I'll be 'prettying' the display up as I go.

A MAJOR face lift is also in the works, soon as we get the kinks out of the design and color scheme.... hint- its blue. :)

Thank you everyone for your patience.
I like the new look. It is a lot like the way it was for a long time
but easy on the eyes.
I just wanted to let you know the new look is great. Your all doing a fantastic job. In just the last hour too ..:ultracool

I've got a new button set I'm working on, and the options both in the forum and on the 'main' page will be changing.

This is phase one...getting the colors just right. heh.

Additional graphical enhansements will be going in during this week. You'll all see the evolution in progress as we go.

I figure within a week of me finishing the overhaul they will release the new version of the software so I can do it all again. :rofl:

you'll see some brief hiccups as I customize things. Thank you for your patience.

I like everthing else but the color. The blue screems at me. But OK, it makes sure that I'm awake at work!!!

Don't get me wrong, I appriciate all the work that is being done to get this up and running.

I really like what you have done with the site while I've been gone. Wow... It looks really good. I like the new Martial Talk Header, and I like the colors. The blue really makes everything stand out.... and in my opinion that is a good thing. It looks great!!!

Billy Lear
Originally posted by WilliamTLear
I really like what you have done with the site while I've been gone. Wow... It looks really good. I like the new Martial Talk Header, and I like the colors. The blue really makes everything stand out.... and in my opinion that is a good thing. It looks great!!!

I agree 100%!
I happen to like the new color scheme and additional features added in the last day or so. Keep up the good work.
Definitely a thumbs up for the new header logo with the katana. I like the blue, but I can't decide on which blue? ;) It's coming out great!!!

Keep up the good work!
My eyes don't like the blue either but I'll wait to to judge until the rest of the site matches.
New feature: Background Selector.

Will allow you to choose from several backgrounds. Currently set as the default, a deeper blue, and a darker blue.

Its in the Stats panel at the top of the main forum page.

I like, I like. I didn't think I'd like the darker blue but mixed with the brighter blue, it looks Excellent!!!

Bravo Kaith.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

Anyone want to guess the names of the 6 masters? :D

The one I can't guess is the bottom left hand "corner".

The others would be: Karate-founder Sensei Gichin Funakoshin
O'sensei - Ueshiba
Bruce Lee


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