

Master of Blades

What's the ratio of men to women on this forum do you reckon?
I don't know but it sure would be nice if people put more in their profile on here!
:borg: :disgust:

I agree...But that still doesnt answer my question!
Originally posted by Seig

Oh great, now he wants a singles forum on MT!:disgust:


Not a bad idea. Maybe in the Locker Room or the Back Room as the SCi-Fi stuff was suggested to be in.

A singles site would be nice for all those singles looking for somoen with similar intrest in Martial Arts.

Yet it would have to be handled well, since this site has done such a great job to make sure everyone feels comfortable to post and discuss topics on martial arts et al.

I for one wonder if it would work.

I have a girlfriend thankyou very much :p She's a green belt in Karate :D
Hey thats nice for YOU but maybe some of us are complete losers and thats why we spend all our time in online forums ;-)
You know what........Now that I think about it.......A singles forum isnt such a bad idea. Good thing I came up with that idea :D You see.........I can help this place out :D :D