Rape a child in Massachusetts, get 4-6 years

Oh yeah, sure... lets all downplay the seriousness of the crime here... so what? The little girl probably was "asking for it".... (dripping sarcasm)

GRR GRRR someone needs to whack the judge in the groin with a weighed lead sock and scream in their ear... "WHAT if it was YOUR Daughter butt head??!!"
Oh yeah, sure... lets all downplay the seriousness of the crime here... so what? The little girl probably was "asking for it".... (dripping sarcasm)

GRR GRRR someone needs to whack the judge in the groin with a weighed lead sock and scream in their ear... "WHAT if it was YOUR Daughter butt head??!!"

When this POS gets to prison and the general population finds out his crime he will be very popular...
This is one of those "Mandatory Execution" things I make an exception for. I hope the "boyz" give him the welcome he deserves.
Unfortunately, theres a good chance he will be put in isolation from the other prisoners because the correctional offficers know he would be killed. Of course you never know, he certainly got too light a sentence.
As my youngest daughter used to say, " Sumpin' stinks in here."

Could this simply be a flaky outcome? Sure....

The article doesn't provide much detail, but my experience tells me there was possibly something in this case where neither side "felt lucky" about going to trial....

Maybe some key piece of evidence was probably - but not definitely - going to be suppressed on a technicality, maybe a key witness was shaky or reluctant, maybe........ neither side wanted the risk.

The prosecution doesn't want the molestor going free on a complete acquittal; the defense doesn't want 25 years in jail of the evidence is not thrown out.

This is often where certain plea bargains come from, though cannot say for certain here.
Tattoo "Child ****er" on their foreheads, then release them into general, and send the guards on a coffee break for oh, 2 hours. Drop in some 'toys'. Announce on the PA that the guards are coming back and that everyone should be back in their boxes then. Express surprise when you find the SOB naked, with the flagpoll jammed up his *** and his sack in his mouth.
We could all hope that child molestors like this guy would get what they deserve, but most often they are kept in solitary for their own protection.

That is why we need to have a complete overhaul of the penal system.
Sometimes it is about bloodline. There have been Aikens in Massachusetts for a century or three.

I don't know if Joel Aiken (the perp in question) is part of the legacy family, or if he had connections in the right places.

If he does...then he certainly wouldn't be the first person in Mass. to get "auspicious" treatment in the legal system based on who he knows.
We could all hope that child molestors like this guy would get what they deserve, but most often they are kept in solitary for their own protection.

That is why we need to have a complete overhaul of the penal system.

As a CO once told me, if they want you they will get you...Unless your cell is equipt with a shower you have to venture out...Again some if the CO's have childern had might prolly assist in helping this POS get tagged...
I consider myself a highly moral person, which is why I totally support capitol punishment. Rapists and pedaphiles deserve full-on castration followed by severe torture and maybe even death. We need to start killing off some of the worst trash in our society. I know everyone wants to be friendly and be "morally right", but our prison systems are a proven failure. Many murderers and rapists are repeat offenders. We need to work together to punish these pieces of grabage and get them out of our population altogether.
I consider myself a highly moral person, which is why I totally support capitol punishment. Rapists and pedaphiles deserve full-on castration followed by severe torture and maybe even death. We need to start killing off some of the worst trash in our society. I know everyone wants to be friendly and be "morally right", but our prison systems are a proven failure. Many murderers and rapists are repeat offenders. We need to work together to punish these pieces of grabage and get them out of our population altogether.

Yes and many of them come out WORSE than when they went in..They say jail is a school and those already there are more than willing to pass on information....
That's what nobody gets.

Saw a rather disturbing youtube video some years ago with prisoners, in prison, working escape/fighting techniques from the "hands against the wall, about to be cuffed" position.

Don't assume for one minute, just because you have training, that they don't.
Saw a rather disturbing youtube video some years ago with prisoners, in prison, working escape/fighting techniques from the "hands against the wall, about to be cuffed" position.

That clip has been at a lot of the police defensive seminars I have attended..An eye opener to those coppers who feel they don't need and of that "Kar-rotty" or "Kung- Fooey" training...