Rank titles in Kenpo?



I can't find my "Infinite Insights" book at the moment. Anyone have the list of titles that go with Rank at the black levels?


I dug out my infinite Insights volumes and blew the dust off of them. So that I can help you out.

Kenpo Black Belt Titles are as follows:

JI (Junior Instructor) if he or she is a first degree Black Belt
AI (Associate Instructor) for a second degree Black Belt
HI (Head Instructor) for a third degree Black Belt
SI (Senior Instructor) for a forth degree Black Belt
AP (Associate Professor) for a fifth degree Black Belt
P (Professor) for a sixth degree Black Belts
SP (Senior Professor) for those reaching seventh degree Black Belt
AMA (Associate Master of the Arts) for an eighth degree Black Belt
MA (Master of the Arts) for an ninth degree Black Belt
SMA (Senior Master of the Arts) for a tenth degree Black Belt.

Hope this helps.

Canadian ranking system

1st black.........Wiener dog

2nd black....... Hot dog

3rd black....... Horn dog

4th black...... Big dawg

5th black...... 3 legged dog

Big love from the west Coast
Brian - mean dog- clougherty
I have a joke for you.

A hillbilly was sitting naked on his porch whittling with a dull knife when it slipped and cut off his penis.

The penis looked up at him and said, "Man, I know we've had some fist fights but I never thought you'd pull a knife on me."

If you think about it, these books are close to at least 11 years old. They're still an ok read, although a bit "wordy," but what changes do you think would have been made to the system by now?

I myself think they would have gone to the 10/16/20 technique bel system. I also think that there would be a bigger emphasis on nerve strikes within the techniques, (BUT NOT TO THE EXCEPTION OF PLACING ALL THE IMPORTANCE ON THEM) more joint locks and grappling, and a greater emphasis on knife and stickwork.

Any thoughts?
Originally posted by KenpoGirl
JI (Junior Instructor) if he or she is a first degree Black Belt
AI (Associate Instructor) for a second degree Black Belt
HI (Head Instructor) for a third degree Black Belt
SI (Senior Instructor) for a forth degree Black Belt
AP (Associate Professor) for a fifth degree Black Belt
P (Professor) for a sixth degree Black Belts
SP (Senior Professor) for those reaching seventh degree Black Belt
AMA (Associate Master of the Arts) for an eighth degree Black Belt
MA (Master of the Arts) for an ninth degree Black Belt
SMA (Senior Master of the Arts) for a tenth degree Black Belt.

I must say, this reads like puffery. Was it really necessary for someone to create a new title for each and every one of the ten ranks? I think I'd rather be a Senior Professor than an Associate Master of the Arts, from the sound of it. I really don't mean to insult anyone's art, but it seems so self-important to generate this list of titles that is so extensive, so patterned, and so unconnected to the ranks that they are difficult to remember.
No more puffy than any other art. There are titles and crap all over the place. Guru, Shihan, Sensei, Sifu, Punong Guru, Professor, Datu.

I think they maybe sound odd to you because you don't hear them regularily. For me, the arnis titles sound funny.

Other than that you have to remember that Parker wanted to make the art more "American" because that is where he was and wanted it to be. That is why the new titles where created.

The curriculum of Kenpo is very patterned and extensive, almost military like.
Originally posted by GouRonin
No more puffy than any other art. There are titles and crap all over the place. Guru, Shihan, Sensei, Sifu, Punong Guru, Professor, Datu.

I think they maybe sound odd to you because you don't hear them regularily. For me, the arnis titles sound funny.

Perhaps there is some of that, but I am not aware of another art that has a separate title for each and every one of the ten degrees of black belt. I imagine there are others; I just can't name one. Also, bear in mind that some of the titles you cite--shihan, datu--are not given automatically with a promotion to every person but rather as a separate honor to some.

Other than that you have to remember that Parker wanted to make the art more "American" because that is where he was and wanted it to be. That is why the new titles where created.

Yes, I can understand that. It's hard making a new tradition. This one seems especially forced. Are these titles often used, say in introducing a person or when listing their name?
They are really only formal titles. Most of the people who have them prefer "Mr." or "Mrs" etc because those are the titles we use in our society. In fact most American Kenpo schools will not use the word "Sensei" or Sifu" for the most part as Parker wanted to get away from the asian use of them and go with what we as a society use.

Again, he called it "American Kenpo" for this reason. One thing about them that I do like is that he made 1st black a Junior instructor. This sort of de-mystified the idea of a Black belt being all powerful. he really did a lot of work de-mystifying the arts and trying to make them into the science they are.

At the time SGM Parker was "assembling" these various aspects of the art, it was important to him give the training sort of a collegiate atmosphere. This served the purpose of seperating AK from the traditional oriental (as it was called then) martial arts in it's methods, as well as add a certain degree of "scholarly class" so they wouldn't be perceived as a bunch of ***-kicking ruffians.

Around this same time, wearing the school patch on the breast of a smart looking sport coat was also the chic, lending a certain air of "fraternity" or "exclusive club" effect. Look at the old pics from the late 60s- anybody who was anybody wore these suits and ties with the "crest-breast" thing.

It was all part of elevating *** kicking to a scholarly and dignified level.
Originally posted by vincefuess
At the time SGM Parker was "assembling" these various aspects of the art, it was important to him give the training sort of a collegiate atmosphere.

I wasn't fully aware of this, though it sounds somewhat familiar. This makes a bit more sense, then.

Around this same time, wearing the school patch on the breast of a smart looking sport coat was also the chic, lending a certain air of "fraternity" or "exclusive club" effect. Look at the old pics from the late 60s

Yes, I can picture them--I do remember seeing those pictures.
In Infinite Insights (whichever volume the rank titles are listed), SGM Parker explains his reasoning in assigning these titles to the various ranks. I gave you my "nutshell version". SGM Parker was very keen on higher education, he was quite a mover and shaker at Brigham Young University when he was there! His wife tells of those days in her book "Memories of Ed Parker".
Titles are only a sign of respect if they are said with heart felt sincerity. If you say the title to someone it is respectful, if you insist on the title it is pompous.

Most of the time we callthe person Mr. or Ms. or Mrs. with their last name. That is respectful as well. Some people put too much stock into titles, it is a waste of breath for some.

When I teach I am Mr. Broad, I don't care who it is on my floor, during that time that is my name. When I am off the floor, I am Rob. I have been called many other names, but lets just stick with Rob.

Yes the whore lives
More people call me "Gou" now than my real name. Soon my real name will be forgotten. LOL!
Originally posted by KenpoGirl
I dug out my infinite Insights volumes and blew the dust off of them. So that I can help you out.

Kenpo Black Belt Titles are as follows:

JI (Junior Instructor) if he or she is a first degree Black Belt
AI (Associate Instructor) for a second degree Black Belt
HI (Head Instructor) for a third degree Black Belt
SI (Senior Instructor) for a forth degree Black Belt
AP (Associate Professor) for a fifth degree Black Belt
P (Professor) for a sixth degree Black Belts
SP (Senior Professor) for those reaching seventh degree Black Belt
AMA (Associate Master of the Arts) for an eighth degree Black Belt
MA (Master of the Arts) for an ninth degree Black Belt
SMA (Senior Master of the Arts) for a tenth degree Black Belt.

Hope this helps.

I would just like to know if this title ranking is universal among the majority of the American Kenpo Schools because Master Tatum gives the 3rd Dan the Senior Title And 4th Dan the Head Instructor Title. This could be a misprint? The 10th Dan has no title. It just states that " The rank is so respected by peers and students that the persons word affects the course of the art'. Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
Actually the titles have change alot over the years, back in the late 60's and early 70's 3rd degree black belts were called Masters.

Proffesor has always been above Master. Many people also call the following.
8th: Associate Master of the Arts,
9th: Master of the Arts,
10th: Grand Master of the Arts,
and Senior Grand Master of the Arts reserved only for the founder of a system.

The Infinite Insights Into Kenpo were all written at least 10 years before they were published, so much of the information contained in them is also dated.
In Hawaii professor is the highest title. It means you are the founder or head of your system/orginization
What are the conventions for the use of GM and SGM (which I understand means either Supreme or SeniorGrandmaster) in kenpo? Are they for 10th degrees only as Not Important suggests?