Raleigh Modern Arnis Camp April 3,4,5,6



Join us at our 3rd Annual Modern Arnis Camp in Raleigh, NC
at David Ng's School/ Triangle Kung-fu Arnis Academy

April 3,4,5,6 2003

contact me for more info or

Download the flyer ...pdf file at www.kungfuarnis.com
if it's not there yet check back and it should be there by
Sun. Afternoon Feb 23...my webmaster brother just got back from his 1 month visit/Medical Mission to the Philippines Saturday afternoon the 22nd...

Hope to see you there ...
David Ng
Originally posted by dng1032
Join us at our 3rd Annual Modern Arnis Camp in Raleigh, NC
at David Ng's School/ Triangle Kung-fu Arnis Academy

April 3,4,5,6 2003

contact me for more info or

Download the flyer ...pdf file at www.kungfuarnis.com
if it's not there yet check back and it should be there by
Sun. Afternoon Feb 23...my webmaster brother just got back from his 1 month visit/Medical Mission to the Philippines Saturday afternoon the 22nd...

Hope to see you there ...
David Ng

Good Luck David ! :D