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Purple Belt
Jan 12, 2002
Reaction score
sacramento, ca
why is moromoro suspended? i havent seen him do any name calling or lies told about anybody.

is it because he shows that he doesnt like the american way of doing philippine martial arts? are people that soft there feelings get hurt so easily? what happend to "free speech"? are we men, or women on this board? why is it that when somebody saying something you dont like, everybody wants to shut him up?

you know, if your going to be an expert of the fighting art, you should get used to disagreement and proving your points. this is what is the art is all about, proving who is right. avoiding confrontation does not make you tough, it makes you chicken. if your feelings get hurt so easily, how will you handle the mental and emotional stress of a fight, or what happens right before a fight. his presence is good for this board, because you are seeing another point of view to your own. you know, you cant go through life only dealing with "yes" man.
I'll address this point by point....give me a moment to write it up...
Originally posted by thekuntawman
why is moromoro suspended? i havent seen him do any name calling or lies told about anybody.

MoroMoro is suspended until 5/19/03. He was suspended due to being rude and discourtious to another board member after repeated warnings.

Contrary to some comments I've seen, he was NOT suspended due to very excessive 1-liners (mostly smilieys), nor his obvious gender bias.

is it because he shows that he doesnt like the american way of doing philippine martial arts?

Nope. We could care less if he likes it or not. This board is world-wide.

are people that soft there feelings get hurt so easily?


what happend to "free speech"?

I'll address this at the end.

are we men, or women on this board?

We are both. And if anyone doesn't like it, they can get the hell off this board. We have no place here for prejudiced jerks, no matter how well they might be able to break a board, swing a stick or throw a punch.

why is it that when somebody saying something you dont like, everybody wants to shut him up?

Thats life. Grow thicker skin and stop letting words cut.

you know, if your going to be an expert of the fighting art, you should get used to disagreement and proving your points.

Expert at a fighting art has nothing to do with proving a point. Unless that point is that 1 can overpower the other. There are proper ways to deal with disagreements online. The "I can kick your ***" stuff belongs in the schoolyards with the other children.

this is what is the art is all about, proving who is right.

Sorry, if thats ALL the art is about, then its a rather poor art. I tend to lean towards the idea that its about personal improvement, not how many people I can beat up.

avoiding confrontation does not make you tough, it makes you chicken.

Thats ********, and any civilized being knows that. I had a long chat with an grandmaster in his late 70's recently on this subject. The v.short version was that you must have balance. Which is why many arts also have a healing part to them. There is an art to avoiding confrontation....its called "Diplomacy".

if your feelings get hurt so easily, how will you handle the mental and emotional stress of a fight, or what happens right before a fight.

The way humans have for thousands of years. Experience, learn, and grow.

his presence is good for this board, because you are seeing another point of view to your own. you know, you cant go through life only dealing with "yes" man.

He is welcome to return provided he can function within our established guidelines. This forum isn't the "Wild West", and might does not make right here. As to dealing with "Yes" men....I don't understand.

Now, onto the subject of "Free Speech".
Freedom of Speech is a worthy concept and one which we support wholeheartedly. Indeed it is one of the founding principles of MartialTalk. However, it is important to understand the limitations of this principle and not to abuse it.

You must understand that, especially in regard to website discussion forums, the argument "What about my right to free speech?" simply doesn't hold water either legally or morally.

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To put it bluntly, the only rights you have at MartialTalk are the rights we decide to issue. This is our website and we run it in the way we believe is most appropriate to facilitate our goals. We allow a great deal of leeway in what folks say here, but at the end, we set the limits. When they are crossed, we take varying levels of action.

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Remember, you're always free to contact us -- we're willing to discuss individual cases and we know we're not perfect. Sometimes we do make mistakes. Just don't expect us to change our general operating policy.

Any questions?
"avoiding confrontation does not make you tough, it makes you chicken" and "if your feelings get hurt so easily, how will you handle the mental and emotional stress of a fight, or what happens right before a fight. "

what i am talking about is being afraid of a confrontation. if a man is in your face talking his mess, and you are not "thick skinned" enough to deal with it without getting mad or humilitated, you will probably end up in a fight. avoiding a fight is good. but a many who his feelings get hurt or embarrassed easily will not be able to do that. how you handle your disagreements says a lot about how you will handle a personal confrontation.

also, if you have no control of your feelings and anger, it will be easy for your opponent to humiliate you, or enrage you, to where you cant think or focus if you do have to fight. hearing somebody insult you should not shake you. like you said, be thick skin and stop letting some stupid words cut you.

kaith said "Expert at a fighting art has nothing to do with proving a point. Unless that point is that 1 can overpower the other. There are proper ways to deal with disagreements online. The "I can kick your ***" stuff belongs in the schoolyards with the other children.

i disagree. the point you prove when you fight is, who is going to get out of this fight with least injury. even a street fight, is a contest. you are trying to beat the other guy. if you are not use to trying to outdo the next guy, you wont know how to do it when that day comes. when a man on the street jumps at you, he is doing that "i can kick your *** stuff" you are talking about. but technique alone is not enough. you have to know how to control your feelings when someone is talking stuff to you, or you will not be able to avoid the fight.

kaith also said "Sorry, if thats ALL the art is about, then its a rather poor art. I tend to lean towards the idea that its about personal improvement, not how many people I can beat up."

no, because fighting, if we are still talking about fighting art, IS about how many people can i beat up. if you want personal improvement, go to tae bo or oprah. i thought we are talking about filipino fighting arts, not buddhism and kung fu. the art was made for fighting, not to accompany some religion. and i dont consider that to be poor"

and when i talk about "yes" men, you dont have to always get along and agree with everyone. if all martial artist agree, then there would only be one style. differences and confrontations is good. because this is how we end up having to challenge what we know.

your rules about respecting other people opinions are good and fair. but all i saw from moromoro is, he disagrees with people and the way they see the martial arts. there is nothing wrong with that.
MoroMoro is suspended until 5/19/03. He was suspended due to being rude and discourtious to another board member after repeated warnings.

MoroMoro is a big advocate of tournament sparring and in tournament sparring, when you break the rules, you get disqualified. And it appears that is exactly what happened.

This isn't about free speech or being a chicken, it appears to be about respect. Moromoro seems pretty decent to me, although I don't agree with him on a lot of things that he's said, specifically in regard to gender. And sometimes he was downright rude. It didn't bother me, the world needs reactionaries to keep things interesting. He's also still young and a professional student, so I'm sure he has yet to wake a few more sleeping dragons.

But this is Kaith and his group's board. If we want to talk on it, we have to stay within the guidelines of what they will allow, which is pretty broad. They've never censored a legitimate civil argument with salient and cogent arguments on each side. Because of the rules, cogent and salient arguments can exist without being clobbered or lost amongst rampant flaming. MoroMoro will be back on the 19th and all will be back to normal.

no, because fighting, if we are still talking about fighting art, IS about how many people can i beat up. if you want personal improvement, go to tae bo or oprah. i thought we are talking about filipino fighting arts, not buddhism and kung fu. the art was made for fighting, not to accompany some religion. and i dont consider that to be poor"

Just my thoughts here, but to me the martial arts about finding truth and it is always subjective. No one can deny the martial aspects and how many people you can beat up, but is that not in a way, personal improvement ?

Science is objective and art is subjective. Martial arts hence tend to be subjective. Kuntawman, I think you and I agree that being more scientific is more important to us. To others though, that may not be true. They may pursue the arts for health, cultural fulfillment, or to simply make friends. Those are all valid reasons which I respect and even partake in, although not as much as the real fighting application. Because to me, that's the truth that I'm after.

So MoroMoro will be back in 10 days. And hopefully he'll be more polite to whoever he flamed. I'll be at least semi-glad to see him back. If anybody replies to my post, I'm heading up to Sacramento for Mother's Day so I won't be back online until Monday. I'll catch up then.
Originally posted by thekuntawman
"avoiding confrontation does not make you tough, it makes you chicken"

Is this what you really wanted to say?

i call that teachers who avoid anyone who questions what they do, are cowards. these are people who will stay in their little group, and never go around any teachers or other martial artist who thinks they have a better technique or just another philosophy.

even online, somebody can be a chicken". one example might be if you are a jkd/kali person, you only go to jkd websites. you only hang around other jkd teachers. you never go around plain filipino martial artists, and definitely you dont go to tournaments. maybe when others are sparring in your presence, you might stay away from the ones who are sparring, in case someone invites you to join them.

i have seen many martial artist who will quit a school that practices sparring. but they like to hang around the same group of people like themselves who like to "bang sticks", not really "cross sticks". they all think alike, they like to talk about the same things and say how effective there martial arts is. and when someone says a different philosophy to what they believe in, they have company to back them up.

now we all hang around people that we like, but some of us like to "prove our point", even in a friendly way. but the "chickens" i am talking about avoid that, they will just want to be as comfortable as they can be, and hang around a bunch of "yes men". this way, they can continue to look tough, and have people who can "attest to my skill level", as another person has said before....this is why i say, your fighting reputation does not come from your friends, but your opponents.
Watching the way this thread is headed may I interject a few comments.
Kaith said it all as far as the forum/board is concerned. He explained himslef verry well.
I am getting the feeling that unstated challanges are floating aroud in this thread. If I am correct please take it to email. Dont ask what I'm talking about . If you know you know if not I may have been mistaken.
When I was younger I thought nothing of fighting or sparring with anyone who wanted to see what I knew. The fights where brutal the sparring fun. Did it prove anything ,maybe-maybe not.
I survived and I guess that said something. I learned something each time and that was benificial.
ON being respectful to tohers: We all have our belifes and feeling on many subjects. To disscuss them with others is good, to demean someone for their opions is wrong. We all agree to sometimes disagree when we come to this forum. We agree to do it in a polite manner.
Kuntawman thanks for the support...

yes i believe i was suspended for my views on how the FMA are in the US and the western world in general , it is turning in to a MCDojo .

also i was suppose to be suspended until the 19th the bastards on the board didnt reactivate my account until the 20th...




Originally posted by moromoro
Kuntawman thanks for the support...

yes i believe i was suspended for my views on how the FMA are in the US and the western world in general , it is turning in to a MCDojo .

also i was suppose to be suspended until the 19th the bastards on the board didnt reactivate my account until the 20th...





I addressed why you were suspended. If you think otherwise, thats your perogative. As to us being "bastards", its called a human mistake, and us having lives....guess that doesn't happen where everyone is perfect and ordered where you are huh?

Glad to see you're back...its like you never left......
You two are like the John Kreese and and Mike Barnes from Karate Kid Part III....

Kuntawman :
avoiding confrontation does not make you tough, it makes you chicken ...... if we are still talking about fighting art, IS about how many people can i beat up. if you want personal improvement, go to tae bo or oprah...... can be John Kreese. Your almost there, now all you have to do is throw in "Here at Cobra Kai Dojo, we have NOOOO MERCY!"

MoroMoro are your ready for your movie debut....?



Just like Mike Barnes from part III. Now all you have to do is yell at people when there down on the mat....."You suck, Daniel! Your Karate Sucks! Your Teacher Sucks! Your Nothin'! Your......"

Now we just need to find someone to play Terry Silver (the pony tailed guy) and our remake of this classic film we be complete.

Hey...Ya-know what would be fun? If you are ever in the states, moromoro, then we can have ourselves a little tournament. I'll be Daniel LaRusso, except I'm the version who reps. at 350 lbs. on the bench, and 600 lbs. on the squats, so I might be a little "heftier." I just need to get permission from Miyagi-Renegade to fight, and we'll be all set.

We'll "play," you'll cry, and then afterwards we can remake another classic film "L.A. Confidential," and I'll be Patchett, and you and Kuntawman can be my whores.

We'll see how bad "american fighters" are then.

Can't wait for you drop by....


Paul (Danial-San) Janulis:lol:

Can I watch?

(I'd ask to ref, but being a girl, and as such completely unable to know good fighting, I'm sure I wouldn't be allowed :shrug: ).

Jeez, and I never even noticed Moro was gone in the first place.:rofl:
Originally posted by Jill666

Can I watch?

(I'd ask to ref, but being a girl, and as such completely unable to know good fighting, I'm sure I wouldn't be allowed :shrug: ).

Jeez, and I never even noticed Moro was gone in the first place.:rofl:

Jill...I'm sure we could find a part for you!

I would say that you could be Jessica (Daniel's Girlfriend from part III), but then I would risk casteration by my significant other. You could be Mrs. LaRusso, except given our age gap, you would have had to have birthed me at age 8. Now I know stranger things have happened....but lets see about alternatives....

Ah-hA! If you put on a fake mustache, wore the black and white stripes, and styled your hair like a middle aged bald man, you could be the ref! I'm sure with the hair-do and mustache we would all over-look the fact that your a girl.

Oh...And don't worry about not knowing about good fighting....your an american, just like me, so that's to be expected. Everyone knows that americans can't fight anyways. We all train at "McDojo's" with Sensei Hamburgler and Grande-Tuhon Ronald.

I should give up now, and get back in the kitchen.

Oh- I forgot! I don't give a $h!t what certain people think. :D
So I'll be there. And, WWE style, I will endeavor to be completely fair and impartial. ;)
Ya gotta love Moromoro man! First post back and you show exactly why you were banned in the first place! Amazing.....Still Jill and Paul, I think your teasing and very small Lion there by dangling Meat in front of you :p

But you know what the cool thing is.......I'm not a woman OR American......So I DONT SUCK! :rofl:

Oh and Jill, while your in the Kitchen you couldnt make me a Cheese Sandwhich could you.....I'm STARVING! :rolleyes:
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