Question for muay thai coach (trainer)??


White Belt
Hello I am new on this forum. My name is Rok and I am from Slovenia middle Europe. I`m 20, and I`m training muay thai for 2 years. Have 2 fights 1W-0D- 1L. Is here any coach for muay thai, becouse I am intrested in diffrend tips of workouts. I have my standard tip of workout but i am looking for some differend tips. If any coach or muay thai trainer whit experiances or resoults in muay thai have some good workout plan, please contact me. during summer we dont have trainings in our club, so I want reach some better resoults. any tips of workout, fitness, muay thai,runing, rope, streching will be here or p.m me.Thanks
I would avoid any new training because you wont have someone there to correct your form and you dont want bad habits to develop in your style. I've heard alot of the video taught people develop some horrible habits. Just do your usual routine and find a place that has a bag you can practice the stuff you already know on. Then focus most of your time getting into shape/running/going to gym if your not already in the shape you wanna be. I'm not a trainer though, just a fellow student :) I guess you could also join a different school thats open in the summer? Or even try a new art, I was thinking of taking TKD myself to help with my flexability.
My advise is to expand on what your Kru's drills have been. I could give drills, but I have no idea what type of fighter you are: what experience you have, are you a kicker, a clincher, a boxer; do you work defensively, offensively; what are the rules: muay thai, partially modified, full modified?

Pyamid drills will help without interfering with your Kru's plans. 1x2x3x4x5x4x3x2x1 for every strike. Do that for one round and increase a round every week. That might allow for some improvement without stepping on your Krus toes :D. Hope it helps. There may be some more things if you can fill in some blanks.