quality kenpo crest graphics


Master Black Belt
Mar 30, 2002
Reaction score
Leeds, England
Does anyone have any high quality (read uncompressed) versions of the original kenpo crest, such as a BMP, PNG, TIFF or PS file?

Someone might have a nice one if they're had any leaflets printed professionally?

I would like to print it onto a t-shirt, but the only ones I can find have all been saved as JPEGs etc. for use on web pages, and are fairly poor quality and full of artefacts :(


i recreated the crest a few years back. i still have it somewhere backed up in my files at my home office. i created it for a website and i took a few liberties with it, so it's not the exact Parker Crest. it has all the same visuals as the parker crest but the dragon is hand illustrated because like you i had a hard time finding anything of quality to help me reproduce it exactly. the tiger is a recreation of the "3d" tiger you have probably seen around on various websites and manuals.

PM me with your email if you'd like to take a look at it. I have it as an illustrator file right now but i can easily put it in any format you would like, as well as any size you would like.

if it's not exactly what you were looking for i might be interested in trying to make an almost exact replica of the parker crest for you. it would take me a little time though since i'd have to fit it into my schedule.

let me know.
Originally posted by satans.barber
Does anyone have any high quality (read uncompressed) versions of the original kenpo crest, such as a BMP, PNG, TIFF or PS file?

Someone might have a nice one if they're had any leaflets printed professionally?

I would like to print it onto a t-shirt, but the only ones I can find have all been saved as JPEGs etc. for use on web pages, and are fairly poor quality and full of artefacts :(


With the re-organization of the IKKA, they are cracking down on any and all copyright and trademark infringements, and they have lots of lawers now. I'd get permission before I follow up on that idea. However, that being said, a one-of-a kind only doesn't sound like a problem to me.
Originally posted by Doc
With the re-organization of the IKKA, they are cracking down on any and all copyright and trademark infringements, and they have lots of lawers now. I'd get permission before I follow up on that idea. However, that being said, a one-of-a kind only doesn't sound like a problem to me.

depends on what you're going to use this thing for. you said you wanted to put it on A t-shirt right? to me that sounds like you just want a t-shirt for yourself to wear and you don't plan on marketing a bunch of them to people in the biz. anyway...if you saw the one i did i think it would have enough subtle differences that no one would bother you.
Hmm, I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I made one t-shirt for myself! It's not like I'm printing boxes full and selling them on the market or anything :)

Besides, it's promoting kenpo...free advertising is rarely a bad thing is it?

Tarabos, if you could mail me a PNG or BMP of your image to [email protected] I'd be grateful, I wouldn't put you to the trouble of creating a new graphic (I could manage it myself if it was really important) but thanks.

did you get my PM from the other day? Now that I think about it, I'm not sure if I PM'd you or sent an email through martial talk. Either way, did you get it? If not, let me know and I'll resend.

Originally posted by warriorsage
did you get my PM from the other day? Now that I think about it, I'm not sure if I PM'd you or sent an email through martial talk. Either way, did you get it? If not, let me know and I'll resend.


sent you a PM Ron...i didn't get anything. just thought i'd let you know in case mine doesn't go through either for whatever reason.
Write to Ed Parker Jr. and ask permission to use one. I asked him if he had a picture of his father that I could use on my website, and he sent me an image and just asked that I put "image courtesy of Ed Parker Jr." underneath the picture, and thanked me for asking his permission, since the picture I wanted to use was some of his own artwork.