pure thrusting systems

John J can correct me but I think Kalis Illustrisimo has an subsystem that uses poking as well.
Palusut is absolutely correct. The knife methods of the Ilustrisimo system known in it's present form as Tulisan, uses predominantly thrusts. Everything we do from either a dueling perspective to offensive use relies heavily on it.

From feints to forced entries and openings, all are followed by thrusts. Thrusts are used simultaneously with counters. Slashes, pull and impact cuts are for the more exposed areas (face & neck) or limbs. Again, a thrust will follow in many instances. The same rule applies to reverse grip.

Tulisan is not impressive to look at from the outside. However, it can be easily learned, fairly simple to use and rather difficult to defend. This is what appeals to me and IMO…what counts!