I read this post that Sin wrote in the thread on teens in the School management page and thought that his listing by order of personal importance was a good thing for me/anyone to do so that I/we might really understand our goals/expectations from training.
personally as a teen i keep myself going a few ways.
1.) My inner demons. (i have a lot of them and MA keeps them at bay.)
2.) Martial Arts movies (theres nothing like trying to reenact Neo vs simith, well trying to anyways)
3.) Tournaments (I got to TKD Mcdojo tournaments and it feels good when i get to show off and win a couple trophys)
4.) Massage therpy (my MA class offers this and i wanna make the woman I marry happy one day, and also its an ice braker with some girls wile dating, or at school)
5.) bad people (the need to protect myself, others and property.
Now, I don't know for sure whether these are listed in order of importance, but here would be my priority list for training in decending order of importance:
1. Self Defense focused training.
2. Balanced technical and tactical skill development, so that I can 'shoot/move/communicate' well AND can coordinate and combine those skills appropriately in crisis situations.
3. Fitness: "fit to fight" but more realistically, joint stability/endurance/range of motion/coordination.... to avoid repetetive stress injuries and impact/strain injuries from prolonged training.
4. Social/'like minded' affiliations. It is nice to share a goal and work as a group toward accomplishing that goal as a TEAM/FAMILY.
There may be more, but that is all that comes to mind for now.
Any one else want to jump into the "Priority POOL?"
personally as a teen i keep myself going a few ways.
1.) My inner demons. (i have a lot of them and MA keeps them at bay.)
2.) Martial Arts movies (theres nothing like trying to reenact Neo vs simith, well trying to anyways)
3.) Tournaments (I got to TKD Mcdojo tournaments and it feels good when i get to show off and win a couple trophys)
4.) Massage therpy (my MA class offers this and i wanna make the woman I marry happy one day, and also its an ice braker with some girls wile dating, or at school)
5.) bad people (the need to protect myself, others and property.
Now, I don't know for sure whether these are listed in order of importance, but here would be my priority list for training in decending order of importance:
1. Self Defense focused training.
2. Balanced technical and tactical skill development, so that I can 'shoot/move/communicate' well AND can coordinate and combine those skills appropriately in crisis situations.
3. Fitness: "fit to fight" but more realistically, joint stability/endurance/range of motion/coordination.... to avoid repetetive stress injuries and impact/strain injuries from prolonged training.
4. Social/'like minded' affiliations. It is nice to share a goal and work as a group toward accomplishing that goal as a TEAM/FAMILY.
There may be more, but that is all that comes to mind for now.
Any one else want to jump into the "Priority POOL?"