Prime Minister Shatner

Clark Kent

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Prime Minister Shatner
By Miko - 02-26-2009 10:22 PM
Originally Posted at: Dead Parrot Tavern


William Shatner is looking to boldly go where no spaceman has gone before - the top of Canadian Parliament. In response to a fan letter urging the Emmy winner to become Governor General of Canada (a position currently held by Micha?lle Jean), Shatner responded that he has his eye on a different governmental role.

"I must, with deepest thanks, turn down your honourable intent to advance me as Governor General. Besides which, I don't have time to be Governor General," wrote the Star Trek star. "My intention is to be Prime Minister of Canada, not Governor General, which is mainly a ceremonial position."

Even though the gig is one step down from Governor General, the 77-year-old actor explained that he thinks he could make a bigger impact as Prime Minister.

"As Prime Minister I can lead Canada into even greater exploits," Shatner explained.

We can think of no better time than now for Canada to live long and prosper.


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