preying mantis kung fu in L.A?


berry king

Anyone know of a school that teaches preying mantis kung fu in los angles, CA? I have been putting lots of effort the past week into finding a school with no luck yet. Your help is much appreciated. Thanks!
los angeles is so big, im sure youll find something. do you know what style of pm youre looking for?

there's alot of schools in the area, northern and southern pm.

feel free to send me a private message for any personal feedback on a specific school or system, if you think that the response would be more subjective.
why are people suddenly refferring to that forum?
to me, finding any useful tidbits on that board is like a needle in a haystack, and the moderators are seriously nonexistent.
Actually im not quite sure which im looking for, i have read the names of various styles but the differences in the styles still arent clear to me. Can you please elaborate on that for me? Or if that is too vast amount of info to ask for, can you give me a link to some place or a direct me to a good book that does? Thanks!
Originally posted by theneuhauser

why are people suddenly refferring to that forum?

I think it's just me, and it's because the number of PM practitioners there is great enough that a post asking for the location of a LA-area school might get a useful answer. I agree that those boards are not well organized, shall we say, but they have a lot of kung fu practitioners there.
Originally posted by berry king

Anyone know of a school that teaches preying mantis kung fu in los angles, CA? I have been putting lots of effort the past week into finding a school with no luck yet. Your help is much appreciated. Thanks!

Again depending on what system of PM you are wanting to look into. Here is a link for a listing of 7 Star Preying Mantis schools, there is one listed in LA. I would think that you would want to define if you are interested in Northern or Southern first off. Then you may just want to start visiting schools, trying classes. There are several different systems and I'm sure in LA there is quite a representaion in schools as well. I am by no means an expert on PM systems, I study 7 Star PM but some of the other systems I will leave to the other guys here to explain, they have more knowledge than I do on them.

for a good start, i would suggest you do some internet research on these styles, this will give you a fair representation of the methods of the various schools, and if you visit a school you are not familiar with, they should be able to compare themselves to one of these;

7 star mantis
plum flower mantis
tai/taiji mantis
8 step mantis
southern mantis
wah lum pai
6 harmonies

there are more, but this would be plenty of research for you and most can be related to this general list. again, if you have a specific question, feel free to post or pmessage.!
Originally posted by theneuhauser

7 star mantis
plum flower mantis
tai/taiji mantis
8 step mantis
southern mantis
wah lum pai
6 harmonies

there are more, but this would be plenty of research for you and most can be related to this general list. again, if you have a specific question, feel free to post or pmessage.!

I would agree with that. Research is goign to be your friend, get deep into it, ask students of different systems, do all you can to find the right system for you, because once you begin you are going to love the "journey". Its a lifetime of learning, you can never say you know it all, thats what is so great about these systems!!

Hi Berry,

I teach Qixing Tanglang as part of my Beishaolin repertoire. If you're interested, let me know. I teach Northern Shaolin in West Los Angeles.


Dou Wanchun

Direct Disciple of Grandmaster Chan Kowk Wai
United States Representative for Grandmaster Chan Kowk Wai