Practising what you preach

celtic bhoy

Orange Belt
Sep 14, 2002
Reaction score
We've seen pictures of founders of many arts practising intricate movements of their art. But has anyone ever seen a picture of the late great Gen. Choi Hong Hi performing any of the flying kicks that is the trademark of TKD.:confused:
I'm more curious as to what your next flame war attempt's going to be. TKD vs Gopher Chucks? :rolleyes:

Regardless, who cares about whether or not Gen Choi did a jump kick in front of a camera? Doesn't really prove anything about if he did them or not. Says even less about TKD.
Nothing against TKD at all, practice it myself I'm going for my 5th gup grading very soon.
I'm just sick and tired of some TKD practitioners and instructors saying that other TKD practioners and instructors are no good.
How can anyone say which TKD is real when you can't even find evidence of it's founder performing the techniques thats made TKD famous.
Sorry to have offended anyone.:confused:
Most people will say TKD is TKD. Only difference is the emphasis that the training centers around.

Stereotypes follow:

WTF in general tends to get downed due to people liking to run around with their arms flopping at their sides. The Onympic influence creates an environment where training for sparring becomes the primary goal... So the result is no hand techniques and an obession with kicking people in the head. The ITF is derided for using limited contact "tag" sparring, being run by communists etc, the ATA's a belt factory and so on. (These are massive stereotypes BTW, and I don't beleive they really hold true.)

Bottom line is, if you're getting what you want out of your training, there's no real reason or point in running down other organizations, much less people or styles.

Doesn't make your training any better or worse after all.
I personally saw Gen. Choi perform a jumping spinning rev. turning kick, u-shape block jump and spin to knife hand guarding block, and knucle push-ups. Not to mention slow high very well controlled side kicks. The General was 80 years old! You expected him to be constantly performing flying techniques?
this is like doubting thomas sticking his hands in the wounds to make sure they were real.

just beacause you have never seen it, doesn't mean it never happened. we practice techniques and forms that are supposed to be hundreds of years old, yet we never saw any of these masters perform them.

if you question this then why train?

IMHO just be thankful that you are able to learn these skills and represent you art (no matter what style it is).
Originally posted by Marginal

Most people will say TKD is TKD. Only difference is the emphasis that the training centers around.

Stereotypes follow:

WTF in general tends to get downed due to people liking to run around with their arms flopping at their sides. The Onympic influence creates an environment where training for sparring becomes the primary goal... So the result is no hand techniques and an obession with kicking people in the head. The ITF is derided for using limited contact "tag" sparring, being run by communists etc, the ATA's a belt factory and so on. (These are massive stereotypes BTW, and I don't beleive they really hold true.)

Bottom line is, if you're getting what you want out of your training, there's no real reason or point in running down other organizations, much less people or styles.

Doesn't make your training any better or worse after all.
When was the ITF a North Korean organization? You're pretty ignorant on political issues.
Uh, you might want to go back and read the parts I put into bold before you call me ignorant. I was in the process of repeating mindless stereotypes I'd heard.

Point being, I do not beleive the ITF to be communist, or that it ever was communist. However, it has been a stereotype I've heard fostered by WTF types on numerous occaisions. (Which is why I included in on the sterotypes)

It's what makes political squabbles so endearing. (All the 2 year old toddler level discourse it gives rise to while further fragmenting and polluting the art it professes to save.)
"I'm just sick and tired of some TKD practitioners and instructors saying that other TKD practioners and instructors are no good.
How can anyone say which TKD is real when you can't even find evidence of it's founder performing the techniques thats made TKD famous"

I commend you on your attitude of not liking the fact that some people say other TKD people are not practicing "true" TKD and wanting that to stop but going after the founder of TKD is not really the way to go about it.

oh Martial artist, right now theres a bit of a power struggle going on in ITF Vienna between some high level instructors and the acting president versus the North Koreans trying to take control of that ITF.... it's juicy stuff!

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD