Pop Up and SPYWare killer

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
(note: broke this off another discussion)

ok, popups - We dont have em, never will.

Goto the following site : http://www.panicware.com
Its a POPUP stopper. note, it also disables the 'new window' feature, so I only use it on sites I know do popups.

Spyware **** : Goto http://www.lavasoftusa.com/downloads.html
You want the following files:
Ad-aware 5.62 Final 834 kb (install)
Ad-aware signature file (ref # 241-14-01-2002) 13.2kb (unzip into the lavasoft directory)

Run it at full...delete all that spyware crap.

The -only- reason you should see popups here is if you click on a link to another website, or a few other bits here. You should not see 'bonzi buddy, X11, casiino, etc.'.

Spyware is those crap programs that install prom the popups, etc. Kazaa, GoZillia, most of the 'download accelerators', Gator, and a ton more.

Keep your system clean of these things, and you'll have less problems with it.

Thanks Kaith. I was useing a free one but it is not longer supported. I check these out. It is very bad at home with a dial up they lock up the screen for a while.

AnalogX has a differnt style of pop-up blocker. Instead of blocking all new windows you tell it to block them as they come up so you never see them again. Some might prefer that approach as it doesn't interfer with normal internet use at all.


Is a browser with built in pop-up blocking. IMHO its slightly better than IE/Netscape but not enough so for me to spend all the effort switching.
I use the POW pop up stopper version 1.58, in both Mozilla and Netscape. You have to add sites to it as they occur, but the interface is user friendly (sorta) and once the site is listed, it is awsome to watch popups go away. The Analogx website is:

Or to directly go to the POW download from Analogx:


Have a fun day, I am!

If you are on a network please check with your computer support staff before disabling any service so that you do not inadvertently disable a service that your department needs.

Using the Messenger Service anyone in the world can send pop up messages to your computer, you can disable the Messenger service. Its easy to reverse at a later time.

For Windows 2000 and XP

* Go to start and click Run
* Type services.msc
* Double-click on Messenger.
* In the Messenger Properties window, select Stop, then choose Disable as the Startup Type.
* Click OK.

For Windows 95, 98, and ME

* Under Control Panel, select Add/Remove.
* Select Windows Setup.
* Select System Tools.
* Click Details.
* Uncheck WinPopUp.
* Click OK.
* Reboot
Hey thanks I was wondering about that.

Those messages are damn annoying...

accept as jokes in school, remember sending someone a message while they were taking a test :-D
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Spyware **** : Goto http://www.lavasoftusa.com/downloads.html
You want the following files:
Ad-aware 5.62 Final 834 kb (install)
Ad-aware signature file (ref # 241-14-01-2002) 13.2kb (unzip into the lavasoft directory)

Is this the thread you were speaking about? I realize this is old but the link didn't work for me. Is there a different one or should I keep trying this?:asian:
You probably want this:

Kaith started this thread when i was having similar problems and asked for help (before this forum was created) and I have found it it to be great software.

On the other hand, lots of stuff manages to get through my pop-up blocker these days. They're gotten trickier. It has an option to be more aggressive and I'm about ready to try it.
I found one on zdnet that looked good and have installed it. Right now it's running in the background and so far has found 10 spyware components on my computer.:mad: Let you guys know what happens when it's over.
Well now I'm up to 24 :eek: but I'm not sure how this thing works. Do they search every folder and file? If so this will take a long time. I was planning on leaving to do some shopping and visit my parents should I just leave it on?:confused:
They search all over, but I would be surprised if it took longer than half an hour. I could be wrong though!
I use Adaware primarily... (Be certain to get the latest program and updates)

It can take 15-60 minutes to check my system fully.

For a popup blocker, so far, the Google ToolBar is the best I've found, though it only works with IE. :(
I use them both interchangably. Never at the same time. There are some conflicts when deep scanning archives, so I had to customize some options.

Anyone else use POW? I love it, it takes a little time to build your POW list, but it really stops the # of pop ups I have to deal with.

See Browser Ad Ons AnalogX
for more info or to download.

When I got back home there were 173 spyware detections. However the killer I downloaded forever said it was free but then didn't work except after I paid the 39 bucks. That's not bad but I didn't know anything about this program or how to run it. I personally don't like to put my credit card out over the internet that's my problem.

On another note; what is spyware or adware or both? What does it do and why is it on my pc?:asian:
See here for lots of good links:

Spyware is Internet jargon for Advertising Supported software (Adware). It is a way for shareware authors to make money from a product, other than by selling it to the users. There are several large media companies that offer them to place banner ads in their products in exchange for a portion of the revenue from banner sales. This way, you don't have to pay for the software and the developers are still getting paid. If you find the banners annoying, there is usually an option to remove them, by paying the regular licensing fee.

Why is it called "Spyware" ?
While this may be a great concept, the downside is that the advertising companies also install additional tracking software on your system, which is continuously "calling home", using your Internet connection and reports statistical data to the "mothership". While according to the privacy policies of the companies, there will be no sensitive or identifying data collected from your system and you shall remain anonymous, it still remains the fact, that you have a "live" server sitting on your PC that is sending information about you and your surfing habits to a remote location.....
Are all Adware products "Spyware"?
No, but the majority are. There are also products that do display advertising but do not install any tracking mechanism on your system. These products are not indexed in our database.

Is Spyware illegal?
Even though the name may indicate so, Spyware is not an illegal type of software in any way. However there are certain issues that a privacy oriented user may object to and therefore prefer not to use the product. This usually involves the tracking and sending of data and statistics via a server installed on the user's PC and the use of your Internet connection in the background.

What's the hype about?
While legitimate adware companies will disclose the nature of data that is collected and transmitted in their privacy statement (linked from our database), there is almost no way for the user to actually control what data is being sent. The fact is that the technology is in theory capable of sending much more than just banner statistics - and this is why many people feel uncomfortable with the idea.

On the other hand...
Millions of people are using advertising supported "spyware" products and could not care less about the privacy hype..., in fact some "Spyware" programs are among the most popular downloads on the Internet.

Real spyware...
There are also many PC surveillance tools that allow a user to monitor all kinds of activity on a computer, ranging from keystroke capture, snapshots, email logging, chat logging and just about everything else. These tools are often designed for parents, businesses and similar environments, but can be easily abused if they are installed on your computer without your knowledge.

These tools are perfectly legal in most places, but, just like an ordinary tape recorder, if they are abused, they can seriously violate your privacy.
Additional Information Link:

The Dangers of Spyware: Preserving Your Privacy Online
Spyware is software that sends information about you to a database maintained by the software distributor. This information is usually (but not always) general in nature. The software tracks things like which sites are visited and what you buy. Although the software is capable of transmitting your name and credit card number no reports exist that this is happening yet.

That is the key. Companies could, without your consent or knowledge, collect thousands of credit card numbers. Or names and addresses. They aren't now, but there is no way to stop them. Spyware is installed on your computer automatically when you download seemingly innocent free software. You don't know that it's working so you can't protect yourself.

Adware is not the same as Spyware. Companies offer Adware free, then put advertising into the software to make money on the deal. Adware will always have a clear explanation of what you are giving up in exchange the free software. Spyware never mentions the data gathering that will go on inside your computer.

The biggest problem with Spyware is the lack of disclosure. If consumers where given some sort of warning that to download certain software is to download Spyware, the Spyware would loose it's insidious nature. But for now no such warning exists.

The best defense against Spyware is the Internet. There are numerous sites dedicated to protecting you from the effects of Spyware. You can find lists of known Spyware and procedures for removing it from your computer, free software for protecting your computer against Spyware, and Antispyware software for sale.

If we can educate people about Spyware eventually it will be crushed out of existence. Companies can not be allowed to invade individual privacy in such a blatant manner.