Thanks Nabakatsu. For a while now I've been having a hard time deciding if I should go for Krav Maga or if it should be Wing Chun. I want to be more confident and able to handle myself (if needed) on the street and that's where Krav Maga comes in, but I also want an art I can sink myself into for years to come. I have no martial arts/self defence experiance at all so it's difficult deciding. I'm glad for all the great help on this forum though!
For a long time I wrestled between taking Krav Maga, Silat, and Wing Chun. I was exposed a bit to Silat and it seemed simalar to wing chun. But, Krav Maga seems like it would work in the street.
Which it does. And that's why the Israli army developed it.
But, it is a mixed MA with components of WC, and other streamlined arts. You'll get a broad overview of silat, WC, judo, even kempo. (whatever the other arts I haven't included. It's a military art, plain and simple. were not milatary folk with military needs. not all of us anyways. )
But, if you stick with a good wing chun teacher, even if you change teachers (this is to be expected because you'll probably study for a long time. not everyone can teach all the time forever) You will still be able to more than easily defend yourself if attacked, but unlike arts like Krav Maga, the higher up you learn in wing chun the less you'll have to hurt someone that is trying to attack you.
Hense, a military art. They don't teach "mercy". Neighter does Wing Chun so to speak, but the more you learn, the less you have to physically do to someone to "make" them stop trying to hurt you.
i.e. learning to "break the structure" of the opponent. You don't have to chain punch the crap out of them to defend yourself, thats' grade 1 stuff. You soon learn how to "re-direct" them to the floor, or the wall, or just away from you just enought to where they can't hit or kick or tackle you. (but you still have direct contact.)
Now, I'd still to this day go to a Krav Maga or Systema seminar if the money and the babysitter arose! lol! good stuff! As much as possible.
But, it all depends on the end product you wish for yourself as a martial artist. ...
do you want more options than to maim or kill? or do you just want to learn the fastest way to kill or maim?
I'm not fighting people for a living every day, so... I have extra time to train and learn more about myself, philosphy, others and just life in general. Not looking for the "quick kill".
But, if I train enough in wing chun the quick kill is always there. (and unfortunately I know several ways) you just have other options than to HAVE to use it and still be effective in defense. Defense is Offence true, but there is a time when your so good you can just defend without the offence.

That's a true master of any art, I don't care what art!
Besides..., you don't need to be physically strong to be excellent at Wing Chun (WT/WC/VT) you just have to feel yourself and your opponent. And believe in that type of "hokie ****" long enough to learn about it and be able to use it. It will surprise you. It will always come through for you.
When your not thinking about it, of course.
But, when you take wing chun, your always thinking about it. trying to figure it all out. It's definately a life long pursuit.

I'm glad you chose to take wing chun for now. If later you feel doubt. Just go to another school (like Krav Maga) and just humbly ask to spar. talk to the folks, be friendly and make friends. Share, more importantly. (lol! Like kindergarden, play nice and share! sorry, I have a little one.)
But really, this simple stuff works. Just ask to do some light sparring and make some friends. It's fun.
With the right folks.
If the other school is any fun, then they will enjoy it. Hubbie (okay x-hubbie) and I and our students used to go to different schools and "play". Just friendly spar with Kenpo/Kempo, JKD, TKD, etc..... MMA, (well, their not so friendly. they want you to pay alot of money to spar with their students. lol! like, whatever. And then they come to your school acting like their going to challege, but never do. )
But a Krav Maga school. Just make sure you are very respectful and convey your intention to just wish to spar. (they love to "fight" and will do it at the drop of a hat!) Use gear or not (they probably won't want gear, but are still very controlled unless they think you really just want a challenge. like I said make friends.)
Anyways, test it out (after a good 6 months to a year of WC/WT training) with another school. No matter the style.
This is usually how a wing chun practitioner has to get experience using WC/WT against other arts. (in our school and GM Fungs and GM Emis school they train to fight against other styles. often get students from other styles in a high level to help teach the other students)....
unfortunately, many teachers see this as a threat. Just make sure that they know it's not. And if you can't convince them, and they act like it's all friendly and you find yourself in "hot water" (as I have found myself a couple of times. lol! funny how big guys always want to jump at the chance to "beat up " the little gal.! lol!) Then, make sure you've got a good full year training in WC/WT/VT before you "dabble". so to speak.
When you do, you'll be a avid "believer" like most of us here.
Man, I didn't mean to be so bossy, just giving out alot of advice hoping it works for someone else too.