Pencak Silat Sharaf

Hussein's definitely got some good stuff. All props to him for the hard work he's put in and his willingness to share his experience with the rest of us. He gets extra points for setting up shop as a Black man and a Muslim teaching martial arts in Taiwan. The baggy fatigues must be there to hide the enormous set of cojones.

You're waiting for the "But", aren't you?

I cut off relations with Hussein a few years ago when he was still calling it Silat Mubai. He started getting a little too keffiya-and-Kalashnikov. He said he was against terrorism but that all "oppressors of Islam" anywhere were fair game for horrible death without mercy. I asked him straight up if that meant it was alright to cut off the heads of little Jewish children. He allowed as how it was.

Then there was the cultish aspect. He claimed the right as "Emir" to control the private lives of his students in their off hours, especially concerning dating and marriage. And he set himself up as a religious authority; he may be one now, but he surely wasn't then.

He's not a Prince. He's a martial arts teacher.
His students are adults who have the responsibility to deal with their own love lives and spiritual development.

There was more, which I can dig up if there's any real need.

Bottom line: His martial arts are worthwhile. But one should be very careful about associating oneself with him, especially in any capacity which puts a person under his authority. And given that he has had problems getting visas to enter the United States it might be wise for Americans who are loyal to their nation to look elsewhere for a teacher.
Hussein's definitely got some good stuff. All props to him for the hard work he's put in and his willingness to share his experience with the rest of us. He gets extra points for setting up shop as a Black man and a Muslim teaching martial arts in Taiwan. The baggy fatigues must be there to hide the enormous set of cojones.

You're waiting for the "But", aren't you?

I cut off relations with Hussein a few years ago when he was still calling it Silat Mubai. He started getting a little too keffiya-and-Kalashnikov. He said he was against terrorism but that all "oppressors of Islam" anywhere were fair game for horrible death without mercy. I asked him straight up if that meant it was alright to cut off the heads of little Jewish children. He allowed as how it was.

Well, thanks for the link and the video. Interesting. I had wondered what happened to him and his Silat Mubai. I had no idea he had turned that radical. Kinda sad really but thanks for the insight.