Pac NW Reunion of Warriors- Thanx!


Les Sipes

Get Ready! Read this whole thread, 'cause you might get mentioned.
What I would like to do is express my appreciation to a few individuals that made the Seattle gathering a great success.
However, I am inclined to thank everyone that attended and shared in an experience of Kenpo fellowship, learning, and fun.
Sigung Steve LaBounty gave a series of lessons in "What If"
scenarios that everyone was talking about.
Grandmaster T.R. Crimi absolutely tested the comfort zones of all
participants, and they all came out with sweaty smiles.
Professor Sepulveda was a complete and pure example of technical movement. Affect and Art.
Sifu Henderson was a big hit with his "Trigger Point Therapy", and I believe everyone wanted to take his class again at the end of the day.
With these great instructors, I need to thank the other Seniors in
Dave Hebler shared with me his experiences and showed some great drills I will start using tommorrow.
Professor Bob White was the ultimate "class act", and a man of conviction.
Dennis Conatser showed the knowledge he is known for, and I can say his assistance has made him a new freind to me.
John Smith demonstrated to my students why I think so highly of him, with his honesty and ethic, and no-nonsense approach to the Arts.
To my students, I appreciate your help and participation in the preparation and clean up.
Matt and Colette Sipes, Scott Bradley, Kristine Wight, Mike Turner, Aaron Erickson, Cameron Walker, Jenn Ryan, Judy and Cydney Jones, Geneva Sipes, Natalie Johnson, Kiley Johnson, Eric Traina, and on and on.
Thanx also to Scooter Karnovsky, Mike Freeman, Scott Johnson,
the Graves', Mike Greenland, the girls from Idaho, Todd Durgan, and all the members of the Sepulveda family.
It was nice to see Lamont Glass, from Wyoming, and James Harding from Rhode Island. Thanks for taking the time to come.
...and a very special thank you to Spec. 4 Bonnie Maser, who provided us with a special treat by coming all the way from service in Korea. Thank You for serving!
Well, I know I didn't thank everyone that was there, but none the less, I appreciate you and your spirit.
Les Sipes
I wish I could have attended. It sounds awesome. Have not seen Todd Durgan in several years. and John Smith in longer than that. Didn't I have to fight him on my 1st Black test, lo these many years ago? I believe the exact phrase by Sigung was "Boy, Billings can sure take a punch!" OUCH!

Dave Heebler is great. Sigung and John Sepulveda are a great combo also. And we all know Dennis Conatser sounds more like Mr. Parker than anyone I know. Bob White is well ... Bob White.

It sounds totally intense and a great experience. Glad it came off as a success. Well done and Kudo on organizing such a great event.

Respectfully (and glad I was not in your shoes),
Thank you for your thoughts- John Smith was an early mentor of mine. I know about that straight left of his. His punch is dwarfed by his heart, though.
By the way- your name came up alot, and only in the most possitive ways. Lets train together soon.
In All Respect- Les
Hi Mr. Sipes,

Thank you for the event, I'm looking forward to next year, and hopefully I'll bring a couple more kenpoists from my neck of the woods with me. :)

My main highlights:

-Inserting a thumbstrike to Mr. Durgans nose/face/eye during a throw. I distinctly remember saying "sorry sir" as he was in the air.
-Thanks to Mr. Graves for tips with Sleeper.
-Thanks to Bonnie Maser for being my partner throughout much of the day, we didn't talk much, she was too busy pushing, pulling, hitting, throwing, and cranking on my joints. It is always fun to have a partner who will make you work.
-Meeting Mr. LaBounty and Mr. Conatser, very personable gentlemen.
-A thanks to all of the instructors, but in particular thanks to Mr. Henderson, who's class relit my interest in the healing side of the art. I walked away from massage about 10 years ago, I think I'll be walking back towards it.

It was a wonderful Saturday, and I hope this becomes an annual event.


One of my students told me that somebody was talking trash on here.... Well In my search for such a creature, I am pleased to see this thread, and happy to say Thank You very much to Mr. Sipes for a well put together event!! My students had a great time in all the classes and thouroghly enjoyed meeting such people as Mr. White, Mr. Hebler, Mr. Conatser, and on and on.... Awsome!!! I have to say personally I was a bit suprised when introducing myself to Sigung LaBountey, he said "I know who you are". This took me completely by suprize and I wasn't sure what to say??? But enough about that. I had a great time and enjoyed working on, I mean out with all the various people.... Thanks again...
It was certainly a pleasure to meet you and to share in some fellowship. I am looking forward to working with you when things get back to normal.
One of the things I appreciated was the look of some of the participants expecting some political bridges to cross, and I watched them ease down and enjoy themselves, free of "majoring on the minors", so to speak.
Thank you for coming and supporting us.
OSS! Les Sipes