over 3000 posts last last night ...

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Oct 13, 2001
Reaction score
TO those that like to watch the numbers,

Arnisador has crossed the three thousand mark
last night and this morning.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Originally posted by Rich Parsons

TO those that like to watch the numbers,

Arnisador has crossed the three thousand mark
last night and this morning.

I admit it--I need professional help.

Work keeps me tied to the computer for long stretches at a time and I pop over here quite often! I did spend 3 hours doing arnis this morning though, I'm pleased to say, and will spend another half hour working with my son later this evening.
Originally posted by arnisador

I admit it--I need professional help.

Work keeps me tied to the computer for long stretches at a time and I pop over here quite often! I did spend 3 hours doing arnis this morning though, I'm pleased to say, and will spend another half hour working with my son later this evening.


When you find a good Psychologist, let me know. :D

I might be in need myself.
