Our Mayor just came back from Germany?

still learning

Senior Master
Nov 8, 2004
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Hello, We live on a small island call the "Big Island" because it is the biggest amoung the Hawaiian islands. Population is third largest.

Any way our Mayor Harry Kim mention in the local papers here about a conference he attended(in Germany), He said" admiration and envy" of Germany and it's people who incorporate recycling and physcial fitness into their daily lives.

Bonn,Germany. cleanliness of the place, people rather walk or ride a bike, and there is bike racks everywhere, very few police officer are seen.

In America...will this ever happen? ...Aloha
First, I'd be ticked off that tax dollars went to send a mayor to Germany.

When I lived there, recycling was part of everyones life. As far as the fitness goes, a lot more walking to places goes on, at least in the urban areas. Here, in the US, seems like too many people will drive two blocks on a nice day to pick up their dorritos.

JeffJ said:
First, I'd be ticked off that tax dollars went to send a mayor to Germany.

When I lived there, recycling was part of everyones life. As far as the fitness goes, a lot more walking to places goes on, at least in the urban areas. Here, in the US, seems like too many people will drive two blocks on a nice day to pick up their dorritos.


Hard to argue against that!

Brian R. VanCise
in this case, our abundant space is the source of problems as well as blessings. the price of our room and vast natural resources is that we live so far apart public transportation is only convenient in the largest cities.

and we're rich enough that we won't do much that isn't convenient.
Hello, One of the best things of traveling is: " It open one eyes to the rest of the world". Especially foreign countries!

You will come back with more appreciation for the USA.

Every being to a third world country? ....you will not know how bad it really is till you being there. I have many friends who when to China and Philipplines. ( In our martial art classes).

As far as Germany is concern our Mayor went there to learn how they do recycling. They are so much better at it then us (America).

................For those who never being outside of the USA....plan a trip.

Hawaii is open too? (some people is America do not know how a modern place we are?) ...............Aloha
still learning is right on with that one. if you want to get real patriotic, real quick and count your blessings at a serious pace, go visit or live abroad for a while.

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