oh my god... omigod omigod omigod


Senior Master
Jan 15, 2005
Reaction score
I'm sitting in the library at school... I just reached back and stretched...

and I'm like, why is my hand warm? :idunno:

and I've got my hand on this guy's head behind me...


I'm so embarrassed. He probably thought I was trying to molest his head or something.
I've done that ... but it wasn't his head I touched ....:uhyeah:
Andrew Green said:
I think that is side stepping the question ;)

observant old fart arnt you.:p
Samantha said:
observant old fart arnt you.:p

I'm not old, I refuse to be :p

try to force the issue and I will lie down on the floor kicking and screaming until you give in ;)
Andrew Green said:
I'm not old, I refuse to be :p

try to force the issue and I will lie down on the floor kicking and screaming until you give in ;)

I have seen him do it ;) :p
That's it if you kids don't can the racket, I'm taking a nap!
arnisador said:
I'm so old I barely have the energy to type this!
Yeah! I was going to say the sa...... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......
wake up! bingo starts soon!
Bingo! I got Bingo! Pay up ya ninnies!!
Bingo is me old doggie, howd you know he usally wakes up around now?