Oh, Canada!

Jonathan Randall

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Jan 26, 2005
Reaction score
Seeing as MT has more than a few Canadians (a fact of which I am glad), as an American I am interested in hearing about differences (and similarities) between Canada and the U.S. Since we are each other's largest trading partners, share a common border, speak the same language (usually), it would be great, IMO, if we from the U.S. could hear some of our Norther Neighbor's (sans political fighting) perspectives.

Canadians, please check in!
I lived in Canada for a while and I noticed that they have better beer. Also, they play ALOT of hockey.
The beer also has more alcohol in it. Rare is the restaurant that gives free refills on soft drinks, the bathrooms have no seat protectors (in the women's anyway) and they are called "washrooms" a lot. McDonald's has a pizza item, all packaging has English and French languages on them. You don't buy liquor in a regular grocery store, there are separate liquor stores for that. The U.S. border people are more rude than the Canadian- and more strict.

Just a few fun tidbits (from B.C.) from an American prospective I've gathered from my trips up there every year....my hubby is Canadian.
upnorthkyosa said:
I lived in Canada for a while and I noticed that they have better beer

Spent a weekend in Halifax Nova Scotia..They DO have better beer..Some of the Canadians couldn't believe that you could walk in to almost any store here in the US and buy alcohol..
My experience is that the average Canadian knows much more about America than the average American knows about Canada.

I have visited Nova Scotia and British Columbia on Business.
I have visited Quebec and Labrador for pleasure.

The Icon next to my name, if you look carefully, is a 17" Native Canadian Brook Trout; caught and released this past August in Northern Quebec.
upnorthkyosa said:
I lived in Canada for a while and I noticed that they have better beer. Also, they play ALOT of hockey.

Hmm, I think you've been drinking the wrong beer. They do have some good lagers.:drinkbeer

I look forward to the day where I can afford to do a couple of fly fishing trips in Canada.
michaeledward said:
My experience is that the average Canadian knows much more about America than the average American knows about Canada.

Yeah, this is very noticeable.

I asked for a bacon cheeseburger in Toronto once and was offered y choice of three different types of bacon. Weird.
arnisador said:
Yeah, this is very noticeable.

I asked for a bacon cheeseburger in Toronto once and was offered y choice of three different types of bacon. Weird.

Well, all of them. :boing2:
Canadians seem to be less politically divided. We aren't either left or right, we tend to be more willing to agree with things from all parties and disagree with things from all of them as well. Also our right wing is probably more left then your left wing ;)

Our beer is better, by far.

Cuba is considered a good place to go for a vacation.

Hockey is played more, basketball less.

We don't need the 4th down in football.

Free Healthcare.

I'd say we learn more about countries other then our own.

Guns are controlled.

the letter "Z"
As an Ontarioan (did I make that word up?)
We do say "eh" a lot more. Mostly at the end of sentances.

We're proud of the amount of snow we have, and don't try to tell us parts of the States gets more..we'll defend it to the death that we have the most

I'd agree with the we learn more about other countries then our own- I'm taking a Canadian identity course in my last year of high school and the things i'm learning that i'm appalled I didn't know earlier...

It's a lot easier to get into our country then into others (at least travelling wise)

Everyone has either seen hockey, played hockey or listened to drawn out coversations at some point. Many have skated on their own rink in the backyard (at least around me...)

We like to playfully bash Americans, and are amused when they bash us (this could just be a teen thing...but may apply to adults as well!)

and finally..our drinking age overall is much better...19 vs 21!

My thoughts
Quebec as well (18)
Hence why The Quebec Open tournament is so popular among 18 yr olds here... ;)
michaeledward said:
My experience is that the average Canadian knows much more about America than the average American knows about Canada.

I bet that's true about every country.

Yeah, there was a Canadian guy in one of my training classes a few months ago who said "zed" a few times, referring to "Z," and most of us didn't know what he was talking about until the instructor and he started teasing each other about it.