Offensive Arts


Brown Belt
Dec 17, 2008
Reaction score
Minnesota USA
I was curious about Any CMA's out there that were just crazy offensive with their attacks. Something capable of utilizing long and short quarter attacks, that's really destructive. Mobile footwork is always a plus.. Thoughts are most welcome..
There's always Sea Cucumber Kung Fu.
When attacked you regurgitate on your opponent leaving you time go get away. Advanced practitioners can disgorge their stomach and intestines and grow them back.

I'd say that's pretty offensive :D
Unless you mean like long range kicking or something, then i would say any art.. Simply apply it with strong intent and the job is done :)
You may also try Xingyiquan 形意拳

Xingyi... offensive... you reckon?? :uhyeah: hehehehehe...

Let's see.... attack is defense....and defense is attack.....pre-emptive strikes are ok...YUP it is offensive. :D

It can potentially offend a lot of people because it also hits like a truck... and.... I LIKE IT :EG:

Bajiquan might also be considered offensive
I was curious about any TCMA's out there that were just crazy offensive with their attacks. Something capable of utilizing long and short quarter attacks, that's really destructive. Mobile footwork is always a plus.

Kung-Fu San Soo has two distinct eras...

1. "Old San Soo" or "1960s San Soo" utilized long arm attacks with big, wide open windmills with whipping power.

2. "New San Soo" or "Post-1975 San Soo" utilized short arm attacks with smaller, tighter windmills with quarter strikes & half strikes.

Mobile footwork, as trained through horse stance work & empty hand forms, is emphasised during techniques practice.

Above all, the family of Fut Ga; which quite literally means the Buddha Family, expresses the offensive mind-set of Kung-Fu San Soo.

We attribute that to the Buddhist philosophy of compassion. By going on the offensive and seizing the initiative, the Buddhist Monk could early on dictate that outcome of the physical confrontation; thereby, showing his opponent compassion & mercy, if the situation warranted it.

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