Not a matter of "IF", but of "WHEN"


Senior Master
Jan 15, 2006
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Airstrip One
According to reknown phsyicist Michio Kaku it's not a matter of "if" but "when" the Earth is struck by an asteroid again.

In 1908 a huge asteroid fragment struck Russia causing tremendous damage...
Estimates of the energy of the blast range from 5 megatons[4] to as high as 30 megatons[5] of TNT, with 10–15 megatons the most likely[5]—roughly equal to the United States' Castle Bravo thermonuclear explosion set off in late February 1954, about 1,000 times as powerful as the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan

It's too bad there's no Lobby to get Washington to spend relative pocket change when compared to recent frivilous spending to continue to monitor these things. But I guess ignorance is bliss in some cases; a certain comfort in not knowing you're about to be blown off the face of the planet like a dinosaur.

[/quote] US space agency NASA does not have enough cash to track the large nearby asteroids that could pose a hazard to Earth, a study by the National Academy of Science found Wednesday. [/quote]

Do you think NASA should get the money? It's only like 100M.

Do you think it's a waste of money because you don't think we could do anyting about it even if we detected one?

Other thoughts?
According to reknown phsyicist Michio Kaku it's not a matter of "if" but "when" the Earth is struck by an asteroid again.

In 1908 a huge asteroid fragment struck Russia causing tremendous damage...

It's too bad there's no Lobby to get Washington to spend relative pocket change when compared to recent frivilous spending to continue to monitor these things. But I guess ignorance is bliss in some cases; a certain comfort in not knowing you're about to be blown off the face of the planet like a dinosaur.

US space agency NASA does not have enough cash to track the large nearby asteroids that could pose a hazard to Earth, a study by the National Academy of Science found Wednesday.

Do you think NASA should get the money? It's only like 100M.

Do you think it's a waste of money because you don't think we could do anyting about it even if we detected one?

Other thoughts?

The report is absolutely correct, as I understand it. And yes, I'd be in favor of spending money to track NEOs.

However, bear in mind that we also live under immediate threat from other 'natural' phenomena as well. One of the most frightening (to me) is the danger from so-called 'super volcanoes', including the super-caldera that comprises all of Yellowstone National Park. If it blows (and it is long overdue for doing so), it will most likely extinguish most life on earth and will definitely kill everyone in the continental USA.

The last super volcano that exploded caused an extinction-level event that scientists think reduced the worldwide human population to just a few thousand individuals. We literally teetered on the brink of complete extinction.

I love the line from Men in Black:

Kay: We do not discharge our weapons in view of the public!
Jay: Man, we ain't got time for this cover-up ********! I don't know whether or not you've forgotten, but there's an Arquillian Battle Cruiser that's about to...
Kay: There's always an Arquillian Battle Cruiser, or a Corillian Death Ray, or an intergalactic plague that is about to wipe out all life on this miserable little planet, and the only way these people can get on with their happy lives is that they Do... Not... Know about it!
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It really drives home the point that life is too short to drink cheap beer.

I'm not even going to worry about this one. And if NASA happens to notice that one of these things is bearing down on us, I DON'T WANT TO KNOW.
It really drives home the point that life is too short to drink cheap beer.

I'm not even going to worry about this one. And if NASA happens to notice that one of these things is bearing down on us, I DON'T WANT TO KNOW.

I'd like to know. So I could go punch a global warming freak right in the mouth.
They say that an asteroid will pass UNDER some of our satellite's orbits in 2029. After that we should be okay though.

In the worst case scenario, we could just ship Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck and Aerosmith up there to take care of things :uhyeah:

EDIT: Can't find the article that mentioned passing under the satellites
They say that an asteroid will pass UNDER some of our satellite's orbits in 2029. After that we should be okay though.

In the worst case scenario, we could just ship Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck and Aerosmith up there to take care of things :uhyeah:

EDIT: Can't find the article that mentioned passing under the satellites

Problem is that they don't want to pay taxes again, ever. Those right-wing extremist bastards.
I guess the easy fix would be what the government to just pass a law making it illegal for an asteroid to strike the earth and we'll all be safe again. LOL
Hello, Most of us agree....we do not wish to be hit!

Knowing it is coming? ..and nothing can be done? ...this is where "KNOWING IS BEST!

Not knowing can be good too...NO panicks, riots, and extra credit card purchases!


Same for bad guys hurting you....NOT if...but WHEN! ..most likely sooner than an ASTERIOD.

More are being release over and over day they will reach out to you...

Aloha, ....which is the lessor of two evils?
Here is a list of the ones we know about which are about to pass by closely:

The easiest way to visualize how close they will come is by considering the distance in terms of LD (Lunar Distance). Basically, 1 LD is the distance from Earth to the Moon.
So we track them....

THEN what??

THEN.... government and industry prepare and protect us just as efficiently as they have with the swine flu...where some vaccine now will possibly be available a month after the virus is expected to "explode".

Yeah, if an asteroid is spotted heading our way, one can have faith that rocket(s) will be ready to intercept - after the thing hits us.
If were "lucky", the next "big one" will only take out a City or two...THEN maybe the world would take the threat seriously. If we are seriously ****ed..well then all we can hope is that the end is quick.
Problem is that they don't want to pay taxes again, ever. Those right-wing extremist bastards.

Yeah, but they also wanted to bring back the 8 track........that's awesome!