New Video


Black Belt
Sep 30, 2001
Reaction score
We finally finished our first effort video. It is Basic Banda y Banda. It features, as the title sais, basic banda y banda movements with myself and Guro Brian Johns. It is about 25 minutes long and is available for $19.95. If interested, e-mail [email protected] and thank you.

Guro Dan McConnell
IMAF, inc. Board of Directors
Modern Arnis of Ohio
I was wondering if the project was brought up to the MOTTS board for approval or this was an effort of you're own. It really doesn't matter but I was just curious if individual efforts within the group were directly endorsed or monitored.
Approval was sought. Approval was given.

Brian Johns
Member, IMAF, Inc. Board of Directors.
Originally posted by WhoopAss

Approval was sought. Approval was given.

Brian Johns
Member, IMAF, Inc. Board of Directors.

Well I think it is great that you asked, and were given approval. Good for you guys.

I read the question as, 'did you have to ask first?' Yet, this could be internal working that would not be wished to be made public.

Once again good luck on the video and congrates


Good point. Being members of the Board of Directors and wanting to avoid any conflict with any video projects that the IMAF, Inc. may have in the future, Guro Dan and I decided that it would be wise to talk to the Masters of Tapi Tapi and with Dr. Schea. It may be a matter of "did you have to ask first ?" But, I think that it's more a matter of "let's just make sure."

Brian Johns
Originally posted by WhoopAss


Good point. Being members of the Board of Directors and wanting to avoid any conflict with any video projects that the IMAF, Inc. may have in the future, Guro Dan and I decided that it would be wise to talk to the Masters of Tapi Tapi and with Dr. Schea. It may be a matter of "did you have to ask first ?" But, I think that it's more a matter of "let's just make sure."

Brian Johns


Thanks, I glad you took it that I read the questions as did you have to ask first. Not as I Think you should have to ask first. It is always wise to check with others with in you group or family for conflicts first. I knew you guys would do the right thing.

Good Luck and Best Regards

Originally posted by Mao

We finally finished our first effort video. It is Basic Banda y Banda. It features, as the title sais, basic banda y banda movements with myself and Guro Brian Johns. It is about 25 minutes long and is available for $19.95. If interested, e-mail [email protected] and thank you.

Guro Dan McConnell
IMAF, inc. Board of Directors
Modern Arnis of Ohio

Congratulations on your first project/product.

Dan Anderson