New short video on my youtube. Wall bag training.


Blue Belt
Mar 21, 2019
Reaction score
Vegas baby!
Hey all! Just created a new video that I've been wanting to do lately. I am not a professional at this so please don't hate ;)

It's just a short video with a few of my favorite kind of hand conditioning work on the wall bag. It really has helped me strengthen my upper body as well as increase my endurance. Hope you enjoy it.

You going to post any sparring videos? Not asking this to be one of those people. But I'm genuinely curious to see your sparring as your bag work is impressive. I always like to see how people's sparring compares to their pad work
You going to post any sparring videos? Not asking this to be one of those people. But I'm genuinely curious to see your sparring as your bag work is impressive. I always like to see how people's sparring compares to their pad work

Possibly one day. Where I live I don't have any sparring partners. My teacher spars with me but it's still more like training than sparring. I'm moving soon to a place that'll have opportunities to train with other people.