New belt?

I figured it out. For whatever reason they used it to distinguish their 3rd dan full or primary instructor rate. I guess as a teaser/grooming kind of thing for 4th dan.

I know of the black and red panel belt. It is for 3rd, 4th, and 5th dans. It shows full instructor rights. Like the koreans consider 4th dan to be able to be head instructors and school owners etc. Well, 3rd dan for judo is considered that way in many respects. Third dan is to be considered Full instructor by judo tradition.
New belt color= Another testing fee...

Oh brother I was thinking the same thing. :toilclaw:

Thing is though it is an illegal belt, that is what threw me off. But oh well, I am not one to say who does what in their club.
I find it amusing that a club woud issue a Joshi (women's) judo blue belt to an instuctor. The white stripe in Judo is used for women only in traditional clubs.
Hello, Looks like the marital world is turning colorful.

Today blue gi's in Judo is a must have for Judo Tournaments..why not blue and white belts?

Aloha, ...having the blues......?
I really hate all those funky colored gis you see now. In my eyes, it's gotta be black or white, that's it. No fancy trim in a different color, no visible name brands, just white (or black) and your school/style. Maybe throw in a flag on the sleeve.
I really hate all those funky colored gis you see now. In my eyes, it's gotta be black or white, that's it. No fancy trim in a different color, no visible name brands, just white (or black) and your school/style. Maybe throw in a flag on the sleeve.

Easy now, Red is pretty cool too.

I cant find a red Judo Gi ( I have seen them for BJJ but I hate BJJ Gis) so I playing hell finding someone to die a white one red for me.

But I wont go Rex Kwonn Do and wear the flag pants and tank top.=)

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