Need help deciding on an art


White Belt
Dec 15, 2023
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I’m a 36 year old adult who is wanting to get back into martial arts. I’m 6’4” around 205lbs with no history of serious injuries. I have two options to choose from. Judo or WTF Taekwondo. The judo place is 6 miles away and the Taekwondo place is less than a mile. Both are non profit and community ran at around $40 a month. Both train on Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30-8pm. Judo is all adults and ran by a 5th Dan. The Taekwondo place is adults mixed with kids at a middle school gymnasium. Which should I choose?
I’m a 36 year old adult who is wanting to get back into martial arts. I’m 6’4” around 205lbs with no history of serious injuries. I have two options to choose from. Judo or WTF Taekwondo. The judo place is 6 miles away and the Taekwondo place is less than a mile. Both are non profit and community ran at around $40 a month. Both train on Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30-8pm. Judo is all adults and ran by a 5th Dan. The Taekwondo place is adults mixed with kids at a middle school gymnasium. Which should I choose?
What interests you the most? Kicking or Grappling. Simply pick the one that has more of the things you want to do.
I would phrase the above question like this:

Would you enjoy repeatedly getting slammed on the mat and getting a wrenched shoulder, or would you rather jam some fingers, get the wind kicked out of you and end up with contusions on your arms and shins? They both sound sooo good, hard to choose - a masochist's conundrum.
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Asking for advice on which MA to chose (a life long endeavour) is a bit like asking someone which of all the available girls should you choose as a girlfriend and potentially, a wife! You must have a gut instinct as to which you prefer, but if not, and with that analogy in mind, trial both Judo and TKD and see which you like most. If you then, say, plump for the TKD (the striking option) , then go further and explore other striking arts such Karate, Shorinji Kenpo, Wing Chung etc whatever you can find in your area. Bear in mind the more obscure an art you end up loving, the more problems you’ll encounter finding a similar club should you move your home locus. You’ll find Shotokan dojo everywhere, but Yorkshire Shin Kicking (a real pastime) will be hard to find in….Bibbledy—Bobbledy Boop, Nebraska. You get the idea….play the field with certain criteria in the back of your mind.

You’re in the same position as an 18 year University student, with thousands of varied potential partners to ‘explore’ (😈). Don’t restrict yourself to ‘blondes or brunettes’. Some cultures and creeds even favour polygamy! 😳 But like polygamy, training in multiple martial arts is exhausting, confusing and at times, painfully chaffing. 😐

I envy you….
Bear in mind you cannot practise actual Judo on your own. A partner, a matted area and the number of a good physiotherapist are a basic requirement. Same for Yorkshire Shin Kicking.
I used to be a Division 1 field goal kicker. I’m also tall and thin. I’d say Taekwondo would work well for my body type and age. Since I love kicking I think I could develop some great kicks.
I’m a 36 year old adult who is wanting to get back into martial arts. I’m 6’4” around 205lbs with no history of serious injuries. I have two options to choose from. Judo or WTF Taekwondo. The judo place is 6 miles away and the Taekwondo place is less than a mile. Both are non profit and community ran at around $40 a month. Both train on Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30-8pm. Judo is all adults and ran by a 5th Dan. The Taekwondo place is adults mixed with kids at a middle school gymnasium. Which should I choose?
The one you like more.
I used to be a Division 1 field goal kicker. I’m also tall and thin. I’d say Taekwondo would work well for my body type and age. Since I love kicking I think I could develop some great kicks.
When I was a teen, I found my Karate kicking practise destroyed my soccer abilities partly because in Karate, the knee is lifted high before kicking out the lower leg. Eventually, this style of kicking became ingrained and was not conducive to kicking a ball located on the ground!

By the way, start your flexibility regîme now, (particularly you leg adductors and hamstrings)…. not later, not tomorrow or next week….NOW! Developing marital arts-suitable flexibility will be more ‘challenging’ at your age. 😉
By the way, start your flexibility regîme now, (particularly you leg adductors and hamstrings)…. not later, not tomorrow or next week….NOW! Developing marital arts-suitable flexibility will be more ‘challenging’ at your age.
I agree with this. If anyone is serious about taking any martial arts. Start working on that flexibility if you already know that it's going to be a challenge for you. This will make the beginning a little more enjoyable.
When I was a teen, I found my Karate kicking practise destroyed my soccer abilities partly because in Karate, the knee is lifted high before kicking out the lower leg. Eventually, this style of kicking became ingrained and was not conducive to kicking a ball located on the ground!

By the way, start your flexibility regîme now, (particularly you leg adductors and hamstrings)…. not later, not tomorrow or next week….NOW! Developing marital arts-suitable flexibility will be more ‘challenging’ at your age. 😉
There is a karate dojo called Shudokan Karate? Know of that style?
Asking for advice on which MA to chose (a life long endeavour) is a bit like asking someone which of all the available girls should you choose as a girlfriend and potentially, a wife! You must have a gut instinct as to which you prefer, but if not, and with that analogy in mind, trial both Judo and TKD and see which you like most. If you then, say, plump for the TKD (the striking option) , then go further and explore other striking arts such Karate, Shorinji Kenpo, Wing Chung etc whatever you can find in your area. Bear in mind the more obscure an art you end up loving, the more problems you’ll encounter finding a similar club should you move your home locus. You’ll find Shotokan dojo everywhere, but Yorkshire Shin Kicking (a real pastime) will be hard to find in….Bibbledy—Bobbledy Boop, Nebraska. You get the idea….play the field with certain criteria in the back of your mind.

You’re in the same position as an 18 year University student, with thousands of varied potential partners to ‘explore’ (😈). Don’t restrict yourself to ‘blondes or brunettes’. Some cultures and creeds even favour polygamy! 😳 But like polygamy, training in multiple martial arts is exhausting, confusing and at times, painfully chaffing. 😐

I envy you….
This is good advice. I will be moving to a smaller town in two years from now. All that’s there is BJJ and ITF tkd which is the only ITF school in my state and a good one. Part of the reason I’m going with Taekwon-do is because I know it’s available to me when I move. I also am i current yellow belt in Kukkiwon. I started about two years ago but stopped due to it being expensive.
Those are your only options?
Yeah where I’m currently at for the next two years I have TKD, Judo, and BJJ all with 5 miles radius from me. When I relocate in two years I have bjj, ITF TKD and no Judo to pick from. Those are basically my options. I’m 6’4” decent athlete 36 years old.
I also have a bjj place within 2 miles from my house called impact Jiu jitsu. I’ll have impact Jiu Jitsu in my new town as well when I relocate but no Judo but I will have ITF TAEKWON-DO as well in my new town. So right now for the next two years my options are bjj, Judo, tkd. When I move in two years my options will be ITF TKD and BJJ but no Judo. I want to start my journey now. Which art should I choose that I could continue when I move? I signed up for the TKD community center it starts Jan 4. Next week I’m coming into the Judo place to watch a practice on Tuesday night to see if I like it. The bjj place I have trained there a few years ago so I know it already. I can always quit the Taekwon-do before it starts on jan 4 2024 and receive my money back if I choose Judo or bjj. The Judo school is the furthest away at 6 miles. The bjj place is two miles away and the TKD place is 1 mile away from my current location. Now you guys kinda have a better idea of my situation. I’m looking for the best art I can stick with and that gives me self defense and a great workout.
Really, it comes down to what peaks your interest and what your motivation is. All arts if taken as concept compliment each other. Hand & feet arts are a great entry into judo and judo is a great entry into BJJ, if you get my drift.