Nader drops "Uncle Tom bomb"

Obama needs to be an American President.

Not a Black American President.
Not a White American President.
An American President.

If people are too stupid to understand that, then piss on em.
Obama needs to be an American President.

Not a Black American President.
Not a White American President.
An American President.

If people are too stupid to understand that, then piss on em.
I agree whole heartedly. Of course I'm also one of those loons who believes there should be no "hyphenated" Americans either. ;)
Obama needs to be an American President.

Not a Black American President.
Not a White American President.
An American President.

If people are too stupid to understand that, then piss on em.
Including Obama? Because he ran as "HEY! I'm a Black guy!" for the last 3 friggin' years...
Obama needs to be an American President.

Not a Black American President.
Not a White American President.
An American President.

If people are too stupid to understand that, then piss on em.
Dang, I can only give one thanks on this post and I've already repped you for something else...

Nothing else to say but...


I agree whole heartedly. Of course I'm also one of those loons who believes there should be no "hyphenated" Americans either. ;)
Whole heartedly agree with this one too.
To me unless they actually moved and gotten their citizenship within the last 12 months they're just plain Americans.
Nader is a twit and I have thought so ever since I found out about his Unsafe at any speed that was part truth and part fabrication and all I can say is Nader LOST another presidential election by a landslide and he is looking for excuses to cover up his own inadequacies the moron
Including Obama? Because he ran as "HEY! I'm a Black guy!" for the last 3 friggin' years...

You know, now that the campaign is over, I'm wondering exactly what you mean by that-I'm pretty sure that 63,423,384 people didn't ALL vote for him because, "Hey!He's a Black guy!!" (though I'm sure some did......)

oh, and Ralph Nader is a very bright nitwit, with all the charm of a salamander. :lfao:
I feel obligated to comment, but want to read everything referenced in the article and research a little more before I do.
Including Obama? Because he ran as "HEY! I'm a Black guy!" for the last 3 friggin' years...

No, he didn't, Don. That's a foul, small-minded indictment. Obama did what candidates do: He he told his story for three years. The reality of racial difference from the perspective of black American (yes, I know he is bi-racial) is a part of his story. In the telling of his, the subject of race is bound to come up.
Just found a link on YouTube. Nader had made the comment to a Fox radio affiliate, then was questioned about it on Fox News. Nader attempted to quell the controversy, arguing that Obama is a bought-and-paid-for candidate who has turned his back on 100 million impoverished Americans.

I'm sorry. That won't wash.

I am all for anyone who will stand up for the dispossessed, but invoking racist commentary -- whether to comfort the afflicted or to afflict the comfortable -- is vile.
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Did Nader call him an Uncle Tom, or are others claiming that's their interpretation of what Nader said?
Did Nader call him an Uncle Tom, or are others claiming that's their interpretation of what Nader said?


I couldn't find an audio clip of Nader being questioned on the radio, only his response to the question, in which he clearly says that Obama must choose between being 'Uncle Sam for the people or Uncle Tom for big business." I always look for context, but listening to Nader, I'm having trouble finding the context that made his response appropriate. In the follow-up interview on TV, he seems to imply that he is being ambushed by the Fox TV newscaster.

Flip side: TV guy seems to be gloating over Nader killing his own campaign after the election is over. Hardly a scoop. Certainly, in my opinion, a terrible disappointment.

My question: If you're so convinced that corporate America has the screws in, why talk to any network about it, let alone Fox, and expect not to get screwed?
Very true. Nader's star has fallen of late, but I give the guy credit. Where alot of people do 1 run then quit, he keeps on going and going.
Very true. Nader's star has fallen of late, but I give the guy credit. Where alot of people do 1 run then quit, he keeps on going and going.

...the good is oft interred with their bones...

People can redeem themselves. Time and humility can heal, with a little scarring. I'm still an admirer, just a little disappointed that someone else's triumph was turned into crude punchline.
Nader's comment was taken out of context, in my opinion.

Obama has played the race card ever since he decided to run for the presidency. What Nader is saying, from what I read from his statement, is that he was playing it wrong.

What he was saying is that if Obama is going to play the race card to win an election, he shouldn't just use it whenever he feels like it's convenient...he should stand completely behind the fact that he's African-American, which he didn't do.

I don't think his statement was meant to be racist. I can, however, see how it could be taken out of context very easily.

I, for one, don't think the race card should have come into play at all. If he is or is not going to be a good president will not depend on what color he is, rather how well he leads this country. Anyone who cannot accept him as the president based on the color of his skin should be shot.

On a side note, I didn't want either him nor McCain to win...I wrote in Chuck Norris.

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