My fight uniform...



The first time I compete, I think I'll wear a kilt to show my scottish roots. Has anyone done that in an MMA match before? Boxer's have probably done it. Just thought I'd put that out there. :p
Originally posted by chaosomega
The first time I compete, I think I'll wear a kilt to show my scottish roots. Has anyone done that in an MMA match before? Boxer's have probably done it. Just thought I'd put that out there. :p

Nope U will Be the 1st Piper styel.
Originally posted by chaosomega
The first time I compete, I think I'll wear a kilt to show my scottish roots. :p

with or with-out? Not that I care, just courios (sp?).

With or with-out underwear? While I'm fighting I'll wear underwear. Otherwise, no.
Originally posted by chaosomega
While I'm fighting I'll wear underwear.

Thank You ;) ;) Theres enough misery in the world :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

King Hippo is awsome. The guy in lion heart wore a kilt lol. and shamrock wore shamrocks on his green fight trunks. I think a kilt would be illegal in all the major MMA organizations.

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