My Blue stripe belt testing videos :)


Brown Belt
Pal Gwe Sam Jang

1-step sparring

Self defense, as you can see my foot placement on the 3rd technique got messed up

no contact sparring

back kick board break
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Wow! Congrats :ultracool Looks great!

Also that guy they paired you with, was huge! :mst:

Did you break the board on your 1st try? I know the vid only showed one try, just curious. But your technique looked really good for the board break.
Yep broke the board of the first try! Did you hear the person go "whoo!"? That was Joe my sparring partner. He and I have been belt testing together at the same level since we were yellow belts! He is VERY tall LOL but he keeps me on my toes...literally LOL!!!
Man I look dopey in the no contact sparring LOL I am not a big fan on sparring either, guess Im just not that good at it.
Yep broke the board of the first try! Did you hear the person go "whoo!"? That was Joe my sparring partner. He and I have been belt testing together at the same level since we were yellow belts! He is VERY tall LOL but he keeps me on my toes...literally LOL!!!
Man I look dopey in the no contact sparring LOL I am not a big fan on sparring either, guess Im just not that good at it.

Ah, I wouldn't say that. Don't get me wrong there's always room for improvement with anything, there's really no such thing as the top level only room for improvement exists.

As far as your sparring goes, I thought it was great!

1. You actually tried, that's all one can hope for. As long as you do your best, that's what counts.

2. Everyone needs to work on sparring to be honest, there's always something we can refine.

3. As far as technique goes, you did a great job! I was impressed, congrats again!

Actually I think your idea of taping yourself for each testing and or event is a great way to measure your growth and accomplishments in M.A.'s.

I wish I would have thought about that back in the day, well I guess its never to late. lol
I agree, taping is a great way to measure progress. It also gives you the chance to break down what you're doing and look for holes that keep popping up.

And nice work on the test!

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