Motivation - Lift Our Spirits


Master Black Belt
Jan 10, 2007
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Thought we could post things that will inspire the human spirit.

Thank you I think if you are not in need of motivation then these things can appear a little trite and but when you need it, it makes sense in BIG letters :) and so thank you.. Here is mine it is not as overtly "motivational" as yours and it is just a song and but it has footage cetait un rendezvous which to me instils a reminder of even the faintest possibility of freedom; unshackled freedom from everything; flight from despair and the unfailing ability for all of us to transcend up and out and away from the bonds that seek to keep us where we should not ever be.. all we need to do is to believe.. yes all from a song maybe that is silly I do not care.. one person's motivation etc etc etc
Jnna xo


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