Modern Arnis Symposium - A Different Viewpoint

Dan Anderson

Master of Arts
Feb 9, 2002
Reaction score
Bridal Veil, Oregon
Hi All,
I am now back from the east coast having had a great time at the 2003 WMAA Camp as well as other seminars I put on. There certainly is a lot of discussion and controversy regarding the upcoming Modern Arnis Symposium, its' pros and cons. So I thougth I'd put in my two cents worth on why it is going to be a good event.

First of all, despite what was posted in it's early promotion, this is not going to be a "pissing match of epic proportions." Yessssss, it was described as a put up or shut up affair but I have talked to a number of the presenters and this is not their intention. Also, Dr. Barber clarified his statement yet many people are sticking with it so as to dis the whole event entirely. Hmmmmmm.

Second of all, if the WMAA Camp was any indication, Modern Arnis players AND players from other systems CAN and WILL get along and train together quite happily. The WMAA Camp didn't end up in a group hug (thank goodness) but good feelings were shared by all. Oh, to clarify something, I did give Janice a big hug as she was tested and promoted to Dayang Isa (1st degree black for those of you living out there in Loma Linda). That HAD to be done.

Third and most important of all, this is the first Modern Arnis event where the students of Remy Presas are taking the lead in the instruction. In all the previous camps and seminars, Prof. Presas had any one of us lead certain sections of the camp but he was the main instructor. In this one, a number of his leading students, past and present, are the main instructors.

What makes this symposium different is the variance of the succeeding students. Several of us, Tim Harman, Dieter Knuettel, Richard Roy, David Ng and I have all been very active in the mainstream of Modern Arnis in the last years of RP's life. Our sections of instruction can do nothing but help fill out your own knowledge of our art. And even though neither Jeff Delaney nor Randi Shea or Kelly Worden or the Presas family are going to be there, the richness of variety is going to be great.

Then there are some of the other instructors who have gone in their own direction either blending Modern Arnis with prior training such as Tom Bolden's pancipanci escrima or have taken a very specific aspect of Modern Arnis and developed the heck out of that, such as Bram Frank and knifework.

As you might have noticed by now, I am approaching this symposium with a very positive attitude. Whether you can or can't make it, or can or can't afford it, please take a look at it in a new unit of time. I ask you to cancel out all the threads you have read and written to and look at it for the reasons above.

If you are there, let's have a great time. If you're not, you are going to be missed.

Dan Anderson

PS - It appears that I have taken on the post of unofficial cheerleader for the symposium. I refuse, however, to wear tights and carry pom-poms.

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
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Land of the Free
Originally posted by Dan Anderson
I refuse, however, to wear tights and carry pom-poms.


That being "Thor" and "Loki" of course. :)

Sounds like things are shaping up to be a great training op. :)

Master Black Belt
Dec 27, 2001
Reaction score
Well thank you Dan.
The image of you in tights with pom poms has now left me even more deeply traumatized.
Dan Anderson

Dan Anderson

Master of Arts
Feb 9, 2002
Reaction score
Bridal Veil, Oregon
Originally posted by
Well thank you Dan.
The image of you in tights with pom poms has now left me even more deeply traumatized.

You're a cop, Chad. Buck up! :rofl:

To all, Kaith said it right. It is turning up to being a great training op.

Dan Anderson

PS - The thought of me in tights and pom-poms would be rather traumatizing, tho'. :confused:

Pappy Geo

Green Belt
Dec 27, 2001
Reaction score
Tacoma, WA
Doctor B,

Will you be video taping the sessions and making them available? If so I would be interested in purchasing the tape.


Granpappy Geo

Mark Lynn

Master Black Belt
Apr 21, 2003
Reaction score
Roanoke TX USA
Originally posted by Dan Anderson
Hi All,

Third and most important of all, this is the first Modern Arnis event where the students of Remy Presas are taking the lead in the instruction. In all the previous camps and seminars, Prof. Presas had any one of us lead certain sections of the camp but he was the main instructor. In this one, a number of his leading students, past and present, are the main instructors.


Professor Anderson
Are you saying that the seminars/camps that Dr. Shea's group are conducting are not Modern Arnis events? The Master(s) of Tapi Tapi and Dr. Schea have been continuing teaching camps since the Professor's passing. I mean Jeff D. and Lisa McManis are also conducting seminars/camps that are Modern Arnis events as well.

I bring this up only because this seems to be a bit generalized that "this is the first Modern Arnis event where the students...." since they have been carrying on his teachings in seminars since his unfortunate passing.

And to be honest this symposium can stand on it's own without any hype needed. And while this is a first in getting together this wide range of instructors for one camp, I mean the list of instructors indeed alone set this apart from the other Modern Arnis seminars/events. But I don't think it qualifies as the first where the students are going to be the teachers.

And FWIW I have sent in my money and am looking forward to attending the symposium, and learning from GM Remy's other students who I haven't seen yet.

With respect
Dan Anderson

Dan Anderson

Master of Arts
Feb 9, 2002
Reaction score
Bridal Veil, Oregon
Hi Mark,

Your post was well stated. My reply:

Originally posted by The Boar Man
Professor Anderson
Are you saying that the seminars/camps that Dr. Shea's group are conducting are not Modern Arnis events?

Absolutely not. There has never been any question in my mind regarding that.

The Master(s) of Tapi Tapi and Dr. Schea have been continuing teaching camps since the Professor's passing. I mean Jeff D. and Lisa McManis are also conducting seminars/camps that are Modern Arnis events as well.


I bring this up only because this seems to be a bit generalized that "this is the first Modern Arnis event where the students...." since they have been carrying on his teachings in seminars since his unfortunate passing.

I suppose I should have said something like "the first non-organizational camp" or something like that.

And to be honest this symposium can stand on it's own without any hype needed.

In a perfect world, yes. But with all the yak and flame concerning it, I am hypeing the hell out of it.

And while this is a first in getting together this wide range of instructors for one camp, I mean the list of instructors indeed alone set this apart from the other Modern Arnis seminars/events. But I don't think it qualifies as the first where the students are going to be the teachers.

In the strictest sense, I admit your point. In the sense that his is not an organization camp (e.g. IMAF Summer camp and so forth), it is.

And FWIW I have sent in my money and am looking forward to attending the symposium, and learning from GM Remy's other students who I haven't seen yet.

Excellent! I look forward to meeting and training with you and perhaps a beer afterwards as well.

Dan Anderson

Mark Lynn

Master Black Belt
Apr 21, 2003
Reaction score
Roanoke TX USA
Professor Dan

I figured as much, but do to the nature of the internet, and sometimes the way these discussion boards have gone, I figured I'd ask for some clarification.

I'll buy the first beer.



Originally posted by Pappy Geo
Doctor B,

Will you be video taping the sessions and making them available? If so I would be interested in purchasing the tape.


Granpappy Geo

I would like to do that and I have two people in mind for the task.
I will contact both next week.

Jwerome Barber, Ed.D.


Hey Dan, Hey DrB...
I Just got back from Minsk, Belarus..Taught tactical knife LEO-Spec Op Seminar over there...
They all loved it and saw the connections..And this was from a group of professional who had no Modern Arnis training..
WE used the Abaniko Gunting fixed blade and a bit of Gunting folder...
I look forward to sharing the info with the attendees -students- fellow instructors @ the symposium for they will have everything from a basic to an advanced understanding of Modern Arnis concepts....
I'm off in a couple of weeks to back just in time for the symposium...
Commandments of Steel to teach, teach @ my Modern Arnis schools there in Tel Aviv et al..and do some Anti Terror Units..
Its our 5th annual Commandments...

I think Dan had the intent correct..semantics aside..This is the first event that has Modern Arnis practioners -instructors from various times and places, none of which have any official organizational relationship to each other..
Ahh the gathering of the flock of Black Sheep..
dare I say Renegades? ROFL....
(that's an inside joke folks..Didn't catch it? read my book..ohhh bad shameless plug...)

I look forward to seeing you all in Buffalo..
be safe

PS: Doc..I'd like a copy of said video-DVD when its done as well!!!!
Dan Anderson

Dan Anderson

Master of Arts
Feb 9, 2002
Reaction score
Bridal Veil, Oregon
El Bram,
Just reminding you of the video you were going to send me.

Welcome back from Europe. Reminding you as well.



Originally posted by BRAM
Hey Dan, Hey DrB...
I Just got back from Minsk, Belarus..Taught tactical knife LEO-Spec Op Seminar over there...
They all loved it and saw the connections..And this was from a group of professional who had no Modern Arnis training..
WE used the Abaniko Gunting fixed blade and a bit of Gunting folder...
I look forward to sharing the info with the attendees -students- fellow instructors @ the symposium for they will have everything from a basic to an advanced understanding of Modern Arnis concepts....
I'm off in a couple of weeks to back just in time for the symposium...
Commandments of Steel to teach, teach @ my Modern Arnis schools there in Tel Aviv et al..and do some Anti Terror Units..
Its our 5th annual Commandments...

I think Dan had the intent correct..semantics aside..This is the first event that has Modern Arnis practioners -instructors from various times and places, none of which have any official organizational relationship to each other..
Ahh the gathering of the flock of Black Sheep..
dare I say Renegades? ROFL....
(that's an inside joke folks..Didn't catch it? read my book..ohhh bad shameless plug...)

I look forward to seeing you all in Buffalo..
be safe

PS: Doc..I'd like a copy of said video-DVD when its done as well!!!!

Hi Bram,

Last things first... I will have a copy set aside for you.

Now to the top... The group of professionals that you are referring to are not civilian martial artists... you really did mean "professionals", didn't you?

Next point... the abaniko gunting fixed blade... a very nice tool and I can see some real lessons being taught and learned based on training with that particular blade. We are not talking small tactical folding knife in this case, are we?

You also wrote the following:

>I think Dan had the intent correct..semantics aside..This is the
>first event that has Modern Arnis practioners -instructors from
>various times and places, none of which have any official
>organizational relationship to each other..
>Ahh the gathering of the flock of Black Sheep..
>dare I say Renegades? ROFL....
>(that's an inside joke folks..Didn't catch it? read my book..
:eek:hhh bad shameless plug...)

You are absolutely correct. This event crosses over ALL of the sub
-groupings within Modern Arnis... unfortunately not every single group will be represented, but is not because people were not invited. Quite the contrary, every group leader that I could identify WAS INVITED.

The Symposium is all about sharing and exchanging information.
It is about renewing old friendships and making some new ones. This event is open to any and all Modern Arnis players was well as any other martial artists who want to attend **regardless** of style or rank.

Last night I spoke for nearly two hours with a San Francisco based Serrada Eskrima Instructor who is planning to attend the Symposium. He never had the opportunity to study with Professor and he is looking forward to seeing the different approaches to Modern Arnis that are indicated through the affiliations of the instructors listed.

A couple of Kombaton instructors have indicated an interest in coming to the Symposium as well. It all makes sense to me and that is part of the attraction of hosting this event. I also have had contact with a gentleman who has trained in both Modern Arnis and Balintawak. He is attemptting to clear his calender so that he can attend.

There is also a FMA instructor from Maryland who is coming to the Symposium and bringing 3 students. He has studied Balintawak, Pambaum Arnis and Pekiti Tersia. In addition is a Filipino and
he goes home for several months every year to train with his instructors.

My point is that this event has begun to catch the attention of a number of people OUTSIDE of the Modern Arnis sub-groups. We have their attention BECAUSE we are offering an attractive and varied approach to how the art can be presented. It is a near perfect one stop opportunity for everyone who decides to attend.

There is no single favored group or instructor. There is an open instructional format that provides everyone with a couple of chances to see someone of their choice.

I am not worried about the supposed problems with putting the Symposium together. The very same things were said about the "Gathering of Eagles". Guess what people? The GOE 1 & 2 were successful because people went to see the featured instructors. The "politics" were dropped at the door and the supposed 'blood enemies' could be seen talking, working, laughing and eating together throughout both events. If you think Modern Arnis has some politics and characters, try kenpo for awhile.

See you at the Symposium Bram. Good luck on the next trip and get that book finalized in time to debut at the Symposium. I am sure that there are some people waiting for the book to come out.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Dan Anderson

Dan Anderson

Master of Arts
Feb 9, 2002
Reaction score
Bridal Veil, Oregon
Originally posted by DoctorB
See you at the Symposium Bram. Good luck on the next trip and get that book finalized in time to debut at the Symposium. I am sure that there are some people waiting for the book to come out.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.

Ditto! Get the damned book done! I want one (even though you haven't invited me to be in the pictures).

Your Hero,
Me :D


I want to thank Dan Anderson for getting this thread started. There are a couple of new Symposium items that need to be mentioned here.

First item deals with video taping the event. That will be done by George Denson of Video-Quest Productions. George will have the Exclusive Rights to do the video taping. No other taping will be allowed at the Symposium. George will be then handle the sales and distribution of the event and plans to have a DVD product available a few weeks after the Symposium closes.

Still camera photos will be allowed, with the permission of the individual instructors conducting each of the training sessions.

Second item deals with the new article that I authored for Inside Kung Fu Magazine and first mentioned by Pappy Geo, earlier last week. The magazine, July issue, is now on the newstands and the article is under the "My Turn" column and entitled 'Meeting of Arnis Minds'. It can be found on page 8. I have tried to explain why I wanted to organize the Symposium.

The article was written in January 2003. I state in the article that "The Symposium has developed into a program to share ideas, techniques and training. The stated goal of the people committed to teaching at the Symposium is to view all the various permutations that individuals have developed within the art of modern arnis."

Given the fact that I was following the lead of the people who have committed to teaching at the Symposium, all of the stuff about confrontations and nasty intentions are ridiculous drivel.
This is a positively oriented event that will help the art . No one who has agreed to teach at the event is making a case for becoming the next or new leader of the entire art. Those who attend will have a splendid opportunity to see what others are doing, how others have grown and matured within the art. It is a real shame that so few people want to speak positively of this event in view of the number of members on this forum. However those of us who are committed to establishing a strong working relationship will prevail and enjoy what is going to be a fantastic event.

Within the next couple of days I will unveil another item that still needs some fine tuning. Most of our Senior Masters are in agreement on this particular matter. We again have worked quietly behind the scenes to fashion an agreement that works for all of us.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.

Mark Lynn

Master Black Belt
Apr 21, 2003
Reaction score
Roanoke TX USA
Doctor Barber

I'm glad to hear that you are going to video tape the event with a professional. I bought one of George's tapes on a seminar that GM Remy did once on Sinawali Applications. It was a real good quality tape, and I think he will produce a similar product for the symposium as well.

It sounds like your getting quite a diverse group of FMA practitioners for this event. I look forward to attending it.

Dan Anderson

Dan Anderson

Master of Arts
Feb 9, 2002
Reaction score
Bridal Veil, Oregon
Originally posted by DoctorB
I want to thank Dan Anderson for getting this thread started. There are a couple of new Symposium items that need to be mentioned here.

First item deals with video taping the event. That will be done by George Denson of Video-Quest Productions. George will have the Exclusive Rights to do the video taping. No other taping will be allowed at the Symposium. George will be then handle the sales and distribution of the event and plans to have a DVD product available a few weeks after the Symposium closes.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.

We get a cut of this action?


Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Originally posted by PAUL
Ooooooo......although this is not my concern, this is a very good question.

As this thread was to be a positive thread about the symposium, I did not ask this. It was nice to see that it could be asked. I think it might have been in poor taste to not tell the instructors upfront. I also think it was not set out to the participants either, some people are camara shy.

I am sure Jerome will have an answer if not a solution.
Dan Anderson

Dan Anderson

Master of Arts
Feb 9, 2002
Reaction score
Bridal Veil, Oregon
Yes, no doubt. I think Jerome just pulled this one off recently and probably hasn't had an oppertunity to consult the instructors yet. Time is creeping up on us and I know of one surprise project he's working against a deadline to pull off by the Sympo.


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