2003 Modern Arnis Symposium Slogan

Dan Anderson

Master of Arts
Feb 9, 2002
Reaction score
Bridal Veil, Oregon
I'll start off the slogan contest with Modern Arnis Symposium 2003 - The Legacy Of Remy Presas. The winner should get a free beer from Rich Parsons.

Dan Anderson

:D :armed: :boing1: :drinkbeer
Originally posted by Dan Anderson

I'll start off the slogan contest with Modern Arnis Symposium 2003 - The Legacy Of Remy Presas. The winner should get a free beer from Rich Parsons.

Dan Anderson

:D :armed: :boing1: :drinkbeer

Ok, I am game. :p If you are in the area of
myself or if I am in your area - aka three hour
drive I will get the winner a beer. :drinkbeer

here is my slogan suggestion:
"Let's Train and Have Fun! - Baby!" :boing1:

I hope to see everyone's suggestions here. :D


Did you have a time limit on this contest?

To Everyone,

Come on everyone, I want to see some ideas here.
Even if they are multiple ideas from the same
person. This is a fun way to rack our brains
for a good cause.

Remember the winner will get two things.

The first that beer that Dan Anderson signed me
up for. :D Please note for those that do not drink
alcohol, I will be willing to get you a coffee
or other drink to suit your needs. ;)

The second being the honor of having their
suggestion being the official slogan.

I hope everyone gets in on this and posts!

Modern Arnis Symposium 2003 - In Honor of the Master

Modern Arnis Symposium 2003 - The Torch is Passed

Modern Arnis Symposium 2003 - To the Future

Modern Arnis Symposium 2003 - Past, Present and Future : Destiny Awaits Us.

Modern Arnis Symposium 2003 - The Future is Now.


and, the one least likely to be chosen :
Modern Arnis Symposium 2003 - Hello, and thanks for all the sticks. :D (First person to get the reference I owe a drink to)
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

Modern Arnis Symposium 2003 - Hello, and thanks for all the sticks. :D (First person to get the reference I owe a drink to)

It's the late Douglas Adams and I'm in Buffalo at Mr. Hartman's right now so I'll take that drink (and no "bubble tea")!

I liked Go with the Flow. But:
Modern Arnis Symposium 2003 - A New Beginning
Dan, I have zippo slogan for anyone, except "oooooo, that hurts!" but gotta love that sig line with the guy playing with a pair of rifles while drinking.....looks like me over the past weekend.

Got no idea about the nasty cut along the back of my hand, none at all :rolleyes:
I remember the Professor saying Modern Arnis is the Art Within the Arts, The Art Within Your Heart.

My slogan would have to be:

Modern Arnis Symposium 2003: The Art Within the Arts, The Professor in Our Hearts
I would also like to enter the least likely to be chosen:

Modern Arnis Symposium 2003: Lets Stick together

That really isn't that bad considering all the breakups (splintering:D ) that has occured.
I like this one...its got a 'fun' ring to it. :)

Originally posted by DWright

I would also like to enter the least likely to be chosen:

Modern Arnis Symposium 2003: Lets Stick together

That really isn't that bad considering all the breakups (splintering:D ) that has occured.
"Let's kick each others @$$, then have a beer"

"The art within your art, not the smell within your fart"

"Symposium gone wild: guys bring your sticks, gals bring your thongs!"

"It's fun to train together....OUCH! You hit my hand. $%&%! screw this, I'm going home."

"Let's stick each other, but not in the butt please."

"Rich Parsons has a Largo Baston, Paul's is mucho corto; Paul is Irish."

"Come one, come all, except for Paul, what an @$$hole!"

"Let's all have fun...if anything we can watch Dr. Barber knife Paul in the chest for making a mockery of possible slogans."

Do I win a beer? What-do-ya-think?

I hope no one took offense to my last post. I was only screwing around.:)

The one I like the best so far is Dan's: "The Legacy of Remy Presas."

I like something that eludes to a "Legacy"

Perhaps some of these:

"Remy Presas: the legacy of the master"

"Remy Presas: A legacy living on"

"The legacy of the master"


Now seriously, what do-yall-think? :cool:
Originally posted by Dan Anderson

You don't win a beer for these. You had too much beer already.

Ok everyone,

We have had some good suggestions and we have
had some fun or funny suggestions (Humor being
relative and I am giving the benefit of the doubt) :rofl:
for this slogan.

Lets keep them rolling. :D

For those of you about to Contribute, we salute
you!. And thanks to those that have already!


Just looking for some new ideas. If not then maybe
we could start discussing the relative merits of each suggested slogan.

Thank you All

mmmmm, maybe not.
I think it has already been done!