Mob Attacks Family In Car


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Jun 21, 2003
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What a bunch of punks! I'm glad the family got away with minor injuries, as this could've been much, much worse. Of course, getting out of the car, wasn't the smartest thing to do. Despite being surrounded, I'd have stepped on the gas. Hey, just like those punks in NYC on the bikes, if you're stupid enough to be in front of a moving vehicle, then you deserve what you get. Yeah, I know, that sounds cold and heartless, but pieces of **** like that are cold and heartless too.


Feb 3, 2005
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Huber Heights, OH
It's not "cold and heartless" and it has nothing to do with whether or not they're pieces of crap.

It is about how to extract yourself and family from a dangerous situation as safely as possible. Those who are the danger to you and your family simply rank much much lower on the "keep them from getting hurt" scale.

Just like using weapons (guns, knives, whatever). You're not trying to kill them. You're trying to make them stop trying to kill you and to escape the danger. You apply the tool in a manner which makes them stop, usually by breaking their body so they they are incapable of continuing the attack.

Well, a car used in the manner you're suggesting is a tool ("weapon") for doing exactly the same thing. You are using it as a defensive barrier (by staying in it), as a method of escape, and as a tool to make the attackers stop attacking you (by running into/over them as you escape).

That is all it should be about:
  • Making the attacker stop attacking you
  • As much as is possible within the confines of the situation, trying to escape danger.

That's it. You're not being "cold and heartless" you're protecting yourself and your family. They may or may not be pieces of human refuse but you simply don't care. It's irrelevant. They could be choir boys who are having a psychotic break through no fault of their own but if they're attacking you, you must deal with the attack and try to escape.

Peace favor your sword,


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Jun 21, 2003
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It's not "cold and heartless" and it has nothing to do with whether or not they're pieces of crap.

It is about how to extract yourself and family from a dangerous situation as safely as possible. Those who are the danger to you and your family simply rank much much lower on the "keep them from getting hurt" scale.

Just like using weapons (guns, knives, whatever). You're not trying to kill them. You're trying to make them stop trying to kill you and to escape the danger. You apply the tool in a manner which makes them stop, usually by breaking their body so they they are incapable of continuing the attack.

Well, a car used in the manner you're suggesting is a tool ("weapon") for doing exactly the same thing. You are using it as a defensive barrier (by staying in it), as a method of escape, and as a tool to make the attackers stop attacking you (by running into/over them as you escape).

That is all it should be about:
  • Making the attacker stop attacking you
  • As much as is possible within the confines of the situation, trying to escape danger.

That's it. You're not being "cold and heartless" you're protecting yourself and your family. They may or may not be pieces of human refuse but you simply don't care. It's irrelevant. They could be choir boys who are having a psychotic break through no fault of their own but if they're attacking you, you must deal with the attack and try to escape.

Peace favor your sword,

Agree with you 100%. Regarding my 'cold and heartless' comment...well, that was directed at the 'bleeding hearts' out there, who always tend to feel sorry for the bad guys and anything that happens to them, as well as making up excuses for their behavior.

Tames D

MTS Alumni
Apr 18, 2006
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Los Angeles, CA
Unfortunately, those 'bleeding hearts' include lawyers and judges that get much satisfaction out of putting us in prison for defending ourselves.


Senior Master
Sep 2, 2013
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Troy NY

What a bunch of punks! I'm glad the family got away with minor injuries, as this could've been much, much worse. Of course, getting out of the car, wasn't the smartest thing to do. Despite being surrounded, I'd have stepped on the gas. Hey, just like those punks in NYC on the bikes, if you're stupid enough to be in front of a moving vehicle, then you deserve what you get. Yeah, I know, that sounds cold and heartless, but pieces of **** like that are cold and heartless too.

By law they SHOULD have been able to hit them. Staying in the car and using it to leave the area would be the best idea...but hey, if one of them is dumb enough to get in front of you as you try to leave...OOPS!


Senior Master
Sep 2, 2013
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Troy NY
Unfortunately, those 'bleeding hearts' include lawyers and judges that get much satisfaction out of putting us in prison for defending ourselves.

Yes, the world is full of people who will point the finger at you after the fact and say, "Instead of doing this, you could have done that." Meanwhile they were living in their nice cushy fancy home high in the clouds MILES ABOVE problems like the one this family faced. Got to love how people who are never in a situation like this will tell you how you should have handled it when your mind was running a mile a minute out of fear.


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Jun 21, 2003
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By law they SHOULD have been able to hit them. Staying in the car and using it to leave the area would be the best idea...but hey, if one of them is dumb enough to get in front of you as you try to leave...OOPS!

LOL, agreed! Same thing with the family in the SUV in NY. Stupid enough to pull in front of a vehicle that's much larger, and then start to attack said vehicle...OOPS...looks like you got run over. :D

Yes, the world is full of people who will point the finger at you after the fact and say, "Instead of doing this, you could have done that." Meanwhile they were living in their nice cushy fancy home high in the clouds MILES ABOVE problems like the one this family faced. Got to love how people who are never in a situation like this will tell you how you should have handled it when your mind was running a mile a minute out of fear.

Exactly! I would love to know what those folks would do, were they in the same situation. I mean, other than taking a **** in their pants, they'd probably stay there, and get their *** beat. Sorry, but for me, the safety of myself and anyone else with me is #1 on the list. Minding my own business and a bunch of dirtbag punk kids with nothing better to do, decide to attack like that...**** them! They get what they deserve!


Feb 3, 2005
Reaction score
Huber Heights, OH
Agree with you 100%. Regarding my 'cold and heartless' comment...well, that was directed at the 'bleeding hearts' out there, who always tend to feel sorry for the bad guys and anything that happens to them, as well as making up excuses for their behavior.
Oh, I figured. I was just in a ranting mood. ;)

Peace favor your sword,


Senior Master
Sep 2, 2013
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Troy NY
LOL, agreed! Same thing with the family in the SUV in NY. Stupid enough to pull in front of a vehicle that's much larger, and then start to attack said vehicle...OOPS...looks like you got run over. :D

Exactly! I would love to know what those folks would do, were they in the same situation. I mean, other than taking a **** in their pants, they'd probably stay there, and get their *** beat. Sorry, but for me, the safety of myself and anyone else with me is #1 on the list. Minding my own business and a bunch of dirtbag punk kids with nothing better to do, decide to attack like that...**** them! They get what they deserve!

If you have a weapon bigger than the other person, like your car, then stay in it! Don't be macho and get out. Stay inside. One guy I know around here wound up getting himself killed because he had to be macho.

What happened was this: he went out to dinner with this girl he was friends with. She neglected to tell him she had a psycho ex who stalked her. (MAJOR fail on her part. I mean, really...she couldn't have WARNED the guy?) Anyway, he goes home and doesn't realize he is tailed by Psycho Ex, who has a couple friends with him. Psycho Ex confronts the guy on his lawn. (The delusional A-hole probably said, "What are you doing out with my girl?") After exchanging some words, the guy goes inside.

But does he stay there and call 911? No. He goes back outside with a bat. Psycho Ex gets it away from him, and then he and his friends proceed to beat the guy to death.

Was he wrong for wanting the guy off his lawn? No. But he should have called the police to handle it. He was outnumbered. Don't be so damn macho. Yes, Psycho Ex should go to jail for killing the guy, but at the same time he could have avoided dying by STAYING INSIDE! I know so many people who get themselves hurt just because they have to feel macho. It makes me sad.

PS: And if you ask me, the girl should have gone to jail for not warning the guy who wound up dead! If he had known she had a stalker, he might have kept a better eye out for anyone following him.


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Jul 2, 2006
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Northern VA
The key is articulation: Can you explain why using your car to hit the attacker was a reasonable way to safely resolve the situation? In this case, a two adults and several kids were in a car, surrounded by a violent, angry mob that was taking up weapons (at least one is mentioned as grabbing a trash can). The car's occupants had their own safety and that of the kids to consider -- and driving off, possibly hitting people in the mob.

As soon as possible, once out of the immediate area and safe -- stop and call 911. (Depending on the occupants and kids's ages -- they could call while the driver get's them out.)

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