MMK's personal log

Mou Meng Gung Fu

Purple Belt
04/16/17: Sunday.
- 20mins SLT training (shieldsper standing on 1 leg on bucket)
- 2mins JCC w/ focus pad resistance
- 10mins pushing/sticking hands
- 5mins trapping/sparring drills (4-gates)
- 5mins boxing/sparring drills (w/ gloves & mouthpiece)
- 5mins kicking/sparring drills (w/ shinpads & groinguard)

04/18/17: Tuesday.
- 20mins SLT training (15mins per standing 1 leg on a bucket)
- 10mins knife/gun disarming drills
- 5mins wrestling/sparring (barefoot on mats)
- 10mins kickboxing drills w/ focus pads & shields

04/20/17: Thursday.
- 20mins SLT training (both feet grounded)
- 2mins JCC w/ focus pad resistance
- 5mins boxing 1, 1-2, 1-2-3 combos (w/ double focus pads)
- 5mins trapping/sticking legs
are you inviting comments on your training, not going to sulk I hope

it seems light on physical fitness and heavy on techneque.

that's. Maybe because you are already very fit. But I think everybody's training would benefit from specific strengh speed, balance and cardio training on top of skills training
For someone who promotes a "No Name" system with lots of Wing Chun and JKD like referrences, you seem to like using a lot of names.

Agreed, that you need more resistance training.

Also you should train on Mook Jong versus pads, that will help your Wing Chun skills.
Who cares what you think?

Fakes and frauds should always be called out, pointed out, routed out for all the BS they attempt to publish.

How about Adult more and whine less?
Who cares what you think?

Fakes and frauds should always be called out, pointed out, routed out for all the BS they attempt to publish.

How about Adult more and whine less?

My dear boy, you are being a bully, which is a sad thing to be, I am sorry for you. I suppose as a 'paying' member of here you know the rules here about 'fraud busting'? Oh you don't? tut tut.

When children get tired they get fractious, they need to be put to bed immediately. When adults are 'tired and emotional' they need to excuse themselves from the room and come back when they feel ready to apologise and behave like a decent human being.
Carping at people and scatter gunning random insults at people isn't the way to get heard and put your point across, people will either laugh or turn away out of embarrassment because no-one likes a spoilt brat.
No one likes bullies either.
Though can not do fraud busting, we can alluded to it and give enough counter evidence to a claim without actually going into fraud busting or in other words not actually hang someone but give him or her enough rope to hand themselves.
If someone genuinely believes in what they do even if it's pants (no touch KOs anyone?) they aren't a fraud nor a fake. They can be mistaken, badly taught or misinformed but if they actually believe in what they do even if it's strange to someone else then I can't see why people should get angry with them.

My big criticism of the OP is that the date is very confusing! for goodness sake man use the proper way to do it! it's day/month/year! Otherwise it's just a fake! :D
I would give you my opinion on your workouts but frankly I have no idea so I shan't say anything other than don't be disheartened by any negativity, keep posting and don't mind if people question you, it's only because they genuinely care not because they are numpties ( there's only one:rage:...there can only be one :clown:!)
If someone genuinely believes in what they do even if it's pants (no touch KOs anyone?) they aren't a fraud nor a fake. They can be mistaken, badly taught or misinformed but if they actually believe in what they do even if it's strange to someone else then I can't see why people should get angry with them.

My big criticism of the OP is that the date is very confusing! for goodness sake man use the proper way to do it! it's day/month/year! Otherwise it's just a fake! :D
I would give you my opinion on your workouts but frankly I have no idea so I shan't say anything other than don't be disheartened by any negativity, keep posting and don't mind if people question you, it's only because they genuinely care not because they are numpties ( there's only one:rage:...there can only be one :clown:!)

It's month/day/year. Get it right! Don't you know that us Americans make the rules, and everyone else needs to follow? Everyone else in the world gets it backwards, not us. It's our world, everyone else just lives in it because we allow them to.
It's month/day/year. Get it right! Don't you know that us Americans make the rules, and everyone else needs to follow? Everyone else in the world gets it backwards, not us. It's our world, everyone else just lives in it because we allow them to.

Huh, my garden wall is older than your country, no way will we follow you. The North Riding of Yorkshire leads the way!

To the OP, please come back!
Huh, my garden wall is older than your country, no way will we follow you. The North Riding of Yorkshire leads the way!

To the OP, please come back!



You Must empty your Glencairn to taste our single malt.
We escaped your tyranny, therefore we make the rules :)

You escaped from the soft Southerners ( with the help of the French lol), Yorkshire folk didn't have anything to do with it, too busy being oppressed by rich Londoners.

Will you send your gunboats after us... if they know which way they are going? ( I know, that's a cheap shot lol)

Like your War of Independence, things are never as simple as they seem are they? Here we had the Wars of the Roses which wasn't really between Yorkshire and Lancashire as is usually said. Lots of ebbing and flowing of power, views and people, like martial arts, many different points of view and recollections of how things were so therefore should be.

As for alcohol, I have a distillery just across the way from me, highly recommended by the way. The picture of the castle is Richmond Castle, built by the Normans when they turned up. Yorkshire Dales Distillery – Home of the Ram

How pleasant would it be to discuss martial arts over a pint, dram or even a coffee! perhaps far less misunderstandings and 'outraged' punters face to face!