MMK's personal log

This is all a bit too far over the top to even start asking meaningful questions, but let me just point out that it's not a "personal log" if you post it on the internet.
This is all a bit too far over the top to even start asking meaningful questions, but let me just point out that it's not a "personal log" if you post it on the internet.
Not really silly to ask he posts he had a 15 second challenge match so we ask him about it but he refuses to answer. That raises a few suspicions in my mind
The regressive insanity stage of Internet forum has been initiated. What happens next is usually a disappearance.
Hmmm... :D

In reference to last week's fight, I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, so to make a long story short, like everyone already said my kungfu is fiction, my skills are no good and everything I say or do is BS anyway so I have no comment. The opponent kicked me in the face and broke my neck and now I'm dead (lol).

So I ask you a question about your post, attempting to have an actual discussion, and you respond with this? I'm remembering why I stopped responding to you...